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atsumu asks his brother, the blonde is both amused and confused at his brothers actions.

"hm, what do you mean?" osamu raises an eyebrow, not bothering to turn around from his homework. atsumu grins, lying on his bed. "ya know what i mean, you stopped me making a move on her."

"atsumu, have some self-respect. you just met the damn girl, and yer trying to make a move on her? really? in fronta me?" osamu rolls his dark eyes, "get a fucken grip."

atsumu raises himself so that he's lying on his side, facing the desk where osamu is working. "i dunno, you never stopped me before. and you've walked in on me doing much worse, why stop me now?"

"your point is?"

"if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous."

this causes osamu to turn around and face his brother, an unamused look on his face, "but you do know better."

atsumu shrugs, "yeah, you're a teenage boy with hormones, shit happens. i mean she's pretty so i don't blame you at all."

osamu says nothing and silence falls between the two brothers. he takes a few minutes to think before replying to the blonde, "ya know..."

osamu speaks up in a low voice, "i always get what i want."

atsumu closes his eyes and smirks, lying down with his knee propped up and mind clouded with thoughts about a certain girl.

"hm, we'll see about that."

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