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you smile and look down at your nails, which are painted in a soft blue colour. "you try doing that, and i'll tell your dad about all of the nudes you've been sending to random girls."

atsumus face pales, "you wouldn't!"

you give him an innocent smile, "i so fucking would."

yeah, atsumu definitely doesn't need his dad knowing about that.

you look between both of the boys, "can i get your names? so i don't mix you up."

the boys share a glance and osamu turns to you, shrugging, "we're neighbours so we should know each other but," the boy gives you a weary look, "maybe cut the stealing out?"

you smile softly and reach your hand out to atsumu, the blonde just stares at it.

"i'm sorry i stole your phone. it was a shifty thing to do but i really had a debt to pay off, like, a big one. i won't do it again or anything. i was desperate, i don't usually pick pocket or shit. so, yeah— i'm sorry, genuinely."

kill them with kindness, or whatever. besides, since we're neighbours, we won't exactly be able to avoid each other, better to be on good terms with her. she's also pretty cute, so that's a plus point! the boy thinks.

atsumu stands up and returns your smile, taking your small hands in his much larger ones. "it's fine, just pay me back and we're good. also, the names atsumu."

"atsumu." you repeat, enunciating it and only loud enough for the blonde to hear. the boy decides to mess with you a little, a teasing smirk painted on his lips.

"say that again." he demands, leaning in closer, looking down at you.

you raise an eyebrow, moving back to try and get some space between you two. "what do you mean?"

"say my name. you know, so you don't mix me and my brother up." you avert your gaze to the side, hesitantly letting his his name slip past your lips again.


his gaze flickers down to your lips, eyes swirling with mischief. maybe i should make her pay me back, for stealing my phone. the boy thinks.

"hey y/n," he murmurs, the girl scrunches her nose when the blonde leans in to whisper something in her ear, his soft lips barely brushing the skin of her helix, "who said you had to pay me back with money?"

"atsumu. that's enough." osamu says, his face is stoic and inexpressive, but his dark eyes are wild. "stop, she's clearly uncomfortable with all yer touching, quit being so damn horny all the time."

atsumu laughs, "sorry y/n!" the blonde steps back and looks at you from under his fringe. "i got a bit carried away there."

you awkwardly smile, not knowing what to say. "that's alright," you turn to atsumu's brother, who was standing next to the window, his arms crossed over his chest. "your name is osamu, right?"

he nods and tilts his head to the side, "have we met before?" he asks you, curious. you shake your head and he can't help feeling a little disappointed.

"you guys are those famous volley boys from inaraziki, yeah?"

atsumu chuckles, "why'd you ask? are you a fan?"

you shake your head, "no, i'm not really into volleyball. i just have a friend who attends inaraziki and she always talks about you two."

atsumu grins, "i wouldn't mind having a fan as cute as you." his face falls, "even if they are squealing pigs sometimes." he quietly mumbles under his breath.

you turn to the blonde with an amused expression. "you really just say whatever the hell comes to your mind, huh?"

he dismissively waves his hands in the air at you, "can you blame me?" the blonde sighs dramatically, batting his lashes at you, "it's not easy being the better twin - they all want me."


osamu clicks his tongue and walks towards atsumu, grabbing his twin brother by the arm and reaching for the door, "thank you but i have homework to do, we should be going back home now."

you follow them through the hallway and out the door, "but you didn't even stay for food!"

"i'm sorry, maybe next time." osamu replies, "thanks for having us." atsumu steals a quick glance at you as his brother drags him out of the front door.

you stand in the doorframe watching them walk to their house, which was right in front of yours.

you lean against the door and cross your arms over your chest, a tired sigh escaping your lips as you think about the chaotic pair of twins you'd just met.

what a crazy day!

little did you know, your life was about to get much more crazier.

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