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your best friend, mina ashido, is sprawled across your bed, gazing out the window which was overlooking the miya twins' house.

the sunlight streams in through the windows and you absently flick through the pages of the celebrity magazine, looking at all the hot women. "mina. i'm not doing this."

"seriously?" she groans

"yup." you reply, popping the 'p' "there's no way! he's overhyped i promise".

"please y/n!" she cries, "i just wanna talk to him!!"

"mina, are you this desperate?" you roll your eyes, "they're literally b*ys."

"yes! i literally am!"

"oh my god fine!" you give in, "only because i love you or something."

"thank you so much, i love you!" she jumps up and engulfs you in a hug

"don't come crying to me when he hurts you." you joke

"he won't hurt me! i just wanna talk to him!" you roll your eyes, "yeah yeah, mina."

you throw the magazine to the bed and lie down next to her. "i'll pop your number in the new phone i'm giving him,"

she grins at you and twirls a strand of her pink hair around her fingers, you laugh softly. "i can already imagine our conversations!"

she stands up and pops a wad of pink chewing gum on her tongue, smiling. "thank you, y/n. anyways! i gotta go, catch ya 'round, yeah?" you smile and follow her to the door, waving her off with a small smile and shutting the door behind her.

you had only met the girl recently, when you moved in. she often walked by your house to get to yuuei so the two of you had become good friends as she would always be there whenever you walked out the door in the morning. soon, talking and joking had turned into sharing secrets and laughing, with the two of you growing closer.

you walk to the kitchen, reaching for a chocolate chip cookie. you bite on it only to spit it out and realise you are living one of your worst nightmares.

fucking raisin.

you spit it out and shove the disgusting raisin cookie back in the jar, fishing for atsumu's phone in your pocket.

it should be easy. all you have to do is insert mina's number in the phone, so that when he sets it up, he'll have her as one of his contacts.

naturally, he'll text her out of cuiousity and from there on; it was up to mina. you tiredly sigh, a soft laugh escaping your lips. you don't even know why you were doing this, but for some reason, you have a bad feeling about it.

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