[ 05 ] EYES ON ME

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you groan, rummaging through the opened boxes scattered on the floor, your mum scratches her head, "i did, it's probably lost in all the boxes."

you panic, "mum! i'll get into trouble if i don't wear the tie!" thinking about all the dirty look you'll get from teachers stresses you out, "it's their stupid uniform policy, they're so pressed about it!"

"come on y/n!" your mum purses her lips, setting her hands on her hips, "can't they just let it slide for one day?"

"mum, i am on the verge of a suspension, this is going to be considered a uniform breach." you say it slower, trying to explain.

she clicks her tongue, "shit, i don't have any so it's not like you can borrow — wait, ask the neighbors! you know, those two boys across the street? they must have some spares lying around."

you sigh, unsure wether she's messing with you or actually asking you to go to them for a tie. "what, ask to borrow a tie? mum, are you serious right now?"

she shrugs, "fine go and get a suspension. just don't come crying to me."

you roll your eyes in irritation and head to the door, next, i'll borrow their goddamn socks! you bitterly think. needless to say, you were really embarrassed as you stood at the door of their house, gingerly knocking on it twice and rehearsing what you were going to say in your head. 'hey, i'm y/n, you know, the girl who stole your phone?? haha yeah, can i borrow a tie as well?'

the door opens and osamu looked at you, "hm? hey y/n." he greets you.

you give him a small smile, "yeah hi miya! anyways could i—" the boy crosses his arms and leaned against the doorframe, raising an eyebrow.

"i'd prefer osamu." he corrects you, a slight edge to his voice. you nod and decide to try asking again.

"yeah hi osamu. could i — uh, borrow a tie?" you grin sheepishly, "pretty please?"

he looks sceptical, "a tie? actually?" you purse your lips and explain it to him.

"yeah, i have to get to school but my uniform got all messed up in the packing process and you know how picky private schools are."

he hums in response, "which school do you go to again?" you grin, eager to show off your smarts.

"(fancy art school that only smart people can attend)"

osamu may or may not be surprised you could attend that school but he shrugs it off. "yeah, anyways. come inside, i have a few you can borrow."

you follow him in, taking off your shoes at the entrance and following him up the stairs to a decent sized room with two beds and clothes sprawled everywhere. messy anime posters are hastily stuck to one side whereas the other has polaroids of fancy looking food. "you share a room with your brother? it's cute."

osamu nods and rummages through his closet, "i don't know about cute but it's really fucken sad." he glances at you, "what colour is your uniform?"

you tell him and give him a soft smile, grateful for him lending a hand. "thank you so much osamu, you're a lifesaver." he turns to you, with a loose rolled tie in his hands.

you grimace, "sorry but do you have a tied one?" he slings the tie over his elbow and reaches for your collar, unbuttoning the first two buttons.

you slap his hand away, eyes wide. "what the fuck miya?" you ask fiercely, he sighs wearily, "osamu — and calm down, i'm teaching you how to put on a tie."

you sigh in relief, still a little on edge though. "it's okay, i can always google it or ask my mum. just lending me one is good enough."

he says nothing and lifts your collar up, "that's so stupid, you're in your second year of high school and you can't even put on a tie."

you falter when he places the tie around your neck, pulling you closer to him, his silent grey eyes are trained on you. you avert your gaze, looking to the side instead. his eyes darken, "y/n, look at me."

he uses his index finger to tilt your chin upwards so that your gleaming e/c eyes are trained on his. his fingers effortlessly work at the tie, crossing the sides over each other and looping them around your neck.

he pulls at the tie, setting your shirts collar down. i want to jump out a window! <3 you think, meanwhile the boy in front of you can't help but revel in the moment.

"you look good." he says plainly, "decent." you narrow your eyes at his words, a teasing smile on your lips as the roles finally reverse and you pokes his shoulder lightly.

"awwww! is lil' 'samu shy—?"


atsumu whistles lowly, "what is going on here?" your eyes widen and you move back, suddenly feeling very conscious of how you and osamu's positions might have looked like without context.

"nothing! nothing's happening here!"

osamu holds you by the tie and pulles you close to him, glaring at his brother, "get out atsumu. y/n asked me for help."

atsumu turns to you, "really? you asked him? you shoulda asked me, y/n." he pouts, ignoring his brothers death glare. honestly, it's more a matter of sibling rivalry and who's the better twin instead of you, and you're well aware of that.

they're so immature.

you smile awkwardly, "it's not like that! i just needed a tie and—" osamu interrupts you, his eyes trained on atsumu. "yeah, and i helped her. is there a problem?" osamu asks.

atsumu shrugs, "chill, i honestly don't give a damn about what the two of yer were doing." the blonde says, exhaling. "but 'samu..." the boys eyes wander to meet his twins gaze as he smiles innocently. "don't fucken bark if ya can't bite."

osamu scoffs, "i think dad needs help throwing out the trash so be a good boy and help him out, yeah?"

atsumu ignores his brother and shoots you a lazy smile, "you look cute all dressed up in your uniform, y/n." you crossed your arms and gave him an easy smile.

"i know," you glance over his form, still dressed in his flannel pyjamas decorated with little green dinosaurs all over them. "you don't look so bad yourself; nice fit!"

he grins, "thanks, they're the pride and joy of my fashion career."

you turn to osamu, laughing. "i should go now or i'll be late and get suspended either way."

"yeah," osamu nods, "you should visit some time, we're neighbors after all."

you sigh, agreeing. "i know and i will, i've just been stressed with balancing school and the move lately." he hums in response and leads you down the stairs, opening the door and giving you a small nod.

"have a good day at school, y/n."

you wave at him, "bye— and thanks, osamu! i'll return the tie after we finish packing!" he nods and closes the front door, leaning against the back of it with a million thoughts rubbing through his mind.

osamu sighs, pushing all the thoughts of you away and resuming his day. he doesn't need any more distractions in his life.

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