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you stepped back, raising an eyebrow at atsumu. "do i look like a simp to you?" but before you had the chance to say anything else, atsumu swooped in and gently kissed your forehead, your e/c eyes widened as you stumbled back.

he gave you a small smile, and you glared at him. "couldn't resist, don't regret it." you rolled your eyes and slung your bag over your shoulder, pushing the box towards him and leaving without another word.

trying to ignore the feeling of butterflies.

you parked your mint green bicycle on the side of the road, setting the brakes down and leaning it against the brick wall of your school.

brushing the dust of your clothes and taking off your helmet. ( #roadsafetycheck ) you stepped into the schools gymnasium, the walls were decorated with colourful streamers and huge foil balloons, confetti was thrown all over the gyms polished wooden floor, as tables and stands were adorned with bouquets of flowers and stacks of paper plates.

you marveled at how good of a job the committee had done, setting your bag down, you pulled out a notebook.

"boo," a voice whispers warmly into your neck as you turn around, eyes wide in fear.

"oh my god! yeong-gi!"

the ginger laughed, wiping his tears from his green eyes. "oh god, y/n. you should have seen your face! got you good!!" you turned to the boy behind him, "soushi!" the boys dark hair shook as he laughed at you, slapping yeong-gi's shoulders.

soushi and yeong-gi; at the time you had attended your new school, these two boys were always very kind to you. making sure you were comfortable and keeping you company. naturally, the three of you had grown quite close.

you crossed your arms, "shut up, you guys are dumb. honestly, i wish mina went to (fancy smart school) instead of you two idiots."

the boys smiled, "awh, you love us really." soushi remarked. you rolled your eyes and began crossing things off your list as you walked around the gym.

"the committee did a good job." you mused, as you passed a table decorated with rainbow confetti. small sparkly balloons and a clear plastic table cloth.

yeong-gi nodded. "yeah, i'm thinking i might bring alyssa as my plus one." he nudged soushi, "soushi over here finally asked rika out too!" you turned around and smiled. "that's great! bet you'll last for two weeks."

soushi grimaced, "about that- i asked her out, but she didn't say yes..." you raised an eyebrow, "wonder why."

he scoffed, slinging an arm around you. "soo, who are you bringing?" you ticked off another item as you turned to him. "mina, of course." soushi smirked, "see, you're the same as me. no one is willing to go with you, so you have to bring a friend."

"no, i'm better than you in every single aspect."

"yeah right, you're bringing a friend as your plus one. please! where's the flavour?" he said dramatically. you chewed on your pen, lost in thought.

maybe, you could invite one of the miya twins?

question was- which one?

you turned to soushi and yeong-gi, a small smile playing at your lips.

"actually, i do have a date."

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