July 1928

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Ever since Violet died, Edith had slipped farther into her darkened mood. All 3 children had been avoiding her. The rest of the family were giving her space, but nobody knew why she was like this.

Sybbie and Marigold ran down the hallway, but immediately slowed when they saw Edith. The walked one behind another, straight backs, heads down.

Edith watched the two girls sadly, and sighed deeply when they glanced back to see if she was sending them a nasty glare.

She sighed even deeper when they looked at each other and continued down the long hallway, laughing and shrieking.

Edith was in a state of depression. She had met a man. They had gone out a few times, but he was a close friend of the Drewe's. They had told him about Marigold and Edith.

Because of this, the man had turned on her, and threatened Edith to rattle the secret if she didn't do as he said.

Because of this, she had become dark, gloomy and snappy. She yelled at the children for the slightest thing; the sight of a slouched back, loud speaking, when they were too rowdy while they played.

As for the rest of her family, she avoided them. She skipped tea, left the house daily, and often went to bed early.

They all hoped she was okay.


George sat on the nursery carpet, rolling his wooden cars back and forth, knocking over his tin soldiers. Sybbie was out with Tom, and Marigold was outside with Robert, chasing butterflies.

In the distance, George heard faint yelling. Curiosity getting the better of him, George made sure the nanny wasn't in sight, and slipped down the stairs. He strode down the stairs, but abruptly stopped when he heard the shuffling of feet.

He hid behind a statue, where Tom and Sybbie walked by.

"Papa, can we visit mama again soon?" She asked eagerly.

"Maybe next week. You could bring George if you'd like. We could show him Uncle Matthew's stone." Tom explained as they got farther away.

George smiled to himself. He'd like to see his fathers gravestone. When they were completely out of sight, he moved further through the house. He had never ventured the grand home alone before.

The yelling became noticeably louder as he got closer. It was Edith's voice. George found a cozy hiding spot between an old spruce wood couch and a tall potted plant. He crawled through the spacing and moved the pot over slightly. "Perfect." He thought to himself.

Edith came stomping down the hall. George tensed when she stopped in front of him.

"You simply cannot do this to me, Daniel!" She cried out.

"I can do what I want! Don't do as I say, and I reveal your dirty little secret." A deep voice sneered.

George gulped. This man sounded bad.
George's foot hit the couch leg as he shifted. He froze, absolutely frightened.

"What was that?" Edith asked.

"Oh, I don't know! Now, you'll send that girl of yours back to the Drewe's, or I'll go tell the London paper. You'll get somebody to take her to the farm,
And never speak of her again. Understood?" He said grimly.

Edith had tears welling in her eyes.

"Yes. Fine." She whispered.

George gasped. Send his cousin back!? Never!

"You have until Sunday morning. Good day." He mumbled, walking out the doors.

Edith let out an angered scream and ran out the back doors. George silently cried. This was not what he expected when he came down.


2 days later

Sybbie awoke with a jolt. Screams filled the house. She scrambled out of her bed and over to Marigolds. That's when she realized Marigold was not in her bed.

George awoke soon after, to Sybbie violently shaking him.

"What? What?" He said groggily.

"I don't know where Mari is! And there's screaming downstairs!" She explained.

"Oh no.." George whispered.

"Let's go!" Sybbie snapped, yanking him down the stairs.

Their bare feet padded on the cold floor as they ran.

"Aunt Edith!" Sybbie screamed at her madly, "What are you doing!?"

Edith looked back at her sadly, with an angry Marigold in her arms, thrashing violently and crying.

"Put..me..DOWN!" Marigold yelled, pounding on her back harshly.

"I'm so sorry," Edith whispered, "I'm sorry."

And with that, she banished out the doors, leaving George and Sybbie standing in the front hall, mouths hanging wide open.

Okay, so I know that was like, the cheesiest story line ever, but I wanted some drama. I also wanted a different point of view, even though this is based on Sybbie's life. Enjoy! :)

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