December 1936

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Sybbie wrapped Lily in a white swaddling blanket. She slipped a handmade bonnet onto her head, and headed out to the train station with Tom. They rode the train, and Lily slept peacefully the whole way to Downton.

Sybbie was a bundle of nerves. They were going to spend Sybbie's birthday, Christmas and New Years at Downton. A month at the Abbey with Lily, and nobody knew about her.

When they pulled up to Downton, Sybbie took a deep breath. She held Lily close to her chest as she climbed out of the car. Her grandparents, Aunts and cousins stared in disbelief. The servants did the same, but Anna smiled.

"What is this?" Robert questioned.

"She is not an "it", Donk. Her name is Lily, and she is two months old. She is my daughter." She spoke proudly.

"What!?" He raged.

Lily jolted awake at his outburst and began to cry. Sybbie bounced her as she spoke harshly to her grandfather.

"She is my daughter, and you will not be harsh or nasty to me or her. You do not have to love your great granddaughter, but it would not make me very happy. I am not proud of what I've done, but you cannot say anything to try and change my mind, I love her and that is that."

Mary smiled and walked over to Sybbie.

"Good for you," she smiled, "Now, let's see this little sweetheart."

Sybbie handed her over.

"Oh my.." Mary was breath taken, "I haven't held a baby since George was born. She is gorgeous Sybbie!"

"My turn!" Edith laughed.

Lily was passed around to everyone; even Robert held her.

The family made their way inside. The Christmas tree was set up, but it wasn't decorated yet.

"Sybbie, George and Marigold have been waiting for you to come so they can decorate the tree." Edith explained.

She handed Lily over to the closest person, which happened to be Robert.
He scrunched his face.

"Oh, come on Donk! She isn't going to explode." Sybbie said sarcastically.

Just then, Lily made a big mess of her nappy, which unfortunately made her need a bath right away.

Sybbie, George and Marigold fell to the floor laughing. Sybbie laughed so hard she couldn't breath.

"Sybbie, you lied! She did explode!" George said in between laughs.

"Good lord," Robert said, disgusted, "It's leaking!"

The children laughed even harder.

"I guess that's her way of saying hello." Mary giggled, "After all, you deserved it."

"Would somebody get the nanny to come and clean her up?" Robert said.

Sybbie leaned against George, trying to catch her breath. She hadn't laughed this hard in ages. It felt nice to have fun.

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