May 1921

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May 1921

Little Sybbie laid in her crib, staring up at the ceiling. She had just awoken from her nap, and her father appeared overtop of her. Sybbie let out a content gurgle.

"Hello darling. Don't tell the nanny I'm here. I want to get you up today." He cooed.

It's been 5 months since his darling Sybil had passed away. Tom still mourned heavily for his beautiful, free wife, but he knew he had his daughter.

He lifted her gently out of the crib, and toted her in his hip. Sybbie was progressing quickly, as she could now hold up her neck without any support.

Tom mounded the stairs with her, and into the hall, where Anna was, carrying Lady Mary's clothing.

"Hello Anna. Wave hello to Anna, Sybbie." Tom said. He lifted her small chubby arm and moved it in a waving motion. And smiled and nodded towards them, and continued up to stairs.

Tom and his daughter moved throughout the house, until they made it to the sitting room. Mary, Matthew, Edith, and Lord Grantham sat, talking quietly. Sybbie let out a content babble, and smiled.

Edith stood, and held her arms out to the baby. Tom passed her off to her Aunt. She looked at Edith, and grabbed at her necklace. Everyone laughed, relieved to know that there was finally some happy under their roof.

Mary stood, her stomach bulging, as she was due to have her baby any day.

"I'll be back," she spoke as everyone looked her way, "I'm just going to ring up Doctor Clarkson."

"Why?" Her husband, Matthew questioned.

"To make sure he's ready. I could need him at anytime." Mary smiled.

Matthew nodded, straightening his tie.

"I'll come too. I need to ring for Bates anyhow." He commented.

They departed from the room, holding hands.

Sybbie let out a shrill cry, as Edith had detached her hand from the beaded necklace. She quickly started to bounce her up and down, it usually calmed her. When nothing seemed to be working, she passed her off to the nanny, who had come in to the sounds of her cries.


Evening came, and Tom had decided he would get Sybbie ready for bed. He dressed her in a fresh cloth nappy, a white nightdress and some socks. He laid her down, and placed a light blanket overtop of her body.

Sybbie stuck her thumb in her mouth and began to suck on it. She fingered her hair with her other hand. The family had quickly found out that was her way of calming herself.

Just as Tom was about to leave, Matthew burst In the room, startling both Tom and the baby.

"My dear man, what's wrong!?" Tom said concerned, picking Sybbie back up to soothe her.

"I'm sorry I startled her like that. But Mary is going to have the baby!" He sputtered.

"Now?" Tom exclaimed, rubbing Sybbie's back.

"Well, not this instant, but soon. We're heading off to the hospital." Matthew said, turning to leave.

Tom smiled and called out, "Best of luck!"

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