April 1932

707 24 3

12 year old Sybbie sat on the window seat impatiently. Rain beat furiously against the windows, trees thrashed violently in the wind, and thunder was rolling in from the distance. Sybbie held her cloak tightly in her hands, and a hidden umbrella stayed seated behind a potted plant. The fire crackled loudly in the fire place, it's coals burning rapidly, creating a cozy heat.

George, Marigold, Edith, Mary, Robert and Cora were all gone to America for 4 days. They were visiting Rose and Atticus. Tom had fallen ill the day before the trip, and Sybbie refused to go without him. The nanny had gone for Marigold and George, so Sybbie was free to do as she wished.

Finally, in the distance, a shadowy figure appeared, staggering on its feet, fighting the wind. Sybbie smiled, yanked her cloak on as fast as she could, grabbed her umbrella, and dashed outside.

Mason smiled, rain dripping down his coat. He was holding his hat down with his hands, to make sure it didn't fly off. Sybbie struggled to close the door behind her, and ended up losing the umbrella in the process. It flew away in the air, making flapping noises as it disappeared into a nearby oak tree.

Now she only had on her rubber cloak and shoes, which were soaked through with water. Her feet felt squishy and, well, disgusting.

"Here!" Mason yelled over the pounding rain, "Take my hat!"

She giggled when he placed it on her stringy, dripping hair.

"Do I look stupid now?" She laughed.

"Never! And I thought high class didn't use such a word!" He joked.

"I'm not like them. I don't want to be anything like them. I'm separate, and I like it." She said proudly.

"I can't believe I haven't seen you since Christmas Day!" He exclaimed, removing his coat.

Sybbie completely ignored his sentence, watching him, bewildered.

"Have you gone mad!? You'll catch pneumonia if you take that off!" She practically yelled.

"You'll get sick wearing that. And you'll get scolded if you have pneumonia!" He pointed out.

"Please!" She pleaded, "Keep it on! We'll go into the garages. It's warm, and dry."

He nodded, and they ran (hand in hand!) to the garage. They found an empty one, and snuck in.

"There, it's much nicer in here." She said quietly, and noticed him staring at her. "Mason...?"

She was cut off when he pecked her on the cheek. Sybbie flushed a deep red.

"Did you just...kiss me!?" She asked.

Mason blushed as well.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

He was cut off when she kissed him back.

"Thank you for that, Mason." She whispered.

And with that, she dashed out of the garage back to the house, not being able to contain her smile.


Soooo that was like the lovey-ist dovey-ist chapter ever! Who else ships Syson? (Credit to SaskatFishcakes for the awesome shipping name!) I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Xx Emma xX

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