March 1931

731 29 3

Sybbie sat at a desk with a girl named Charlotte. George and Mason sat on the other end of the room, scribbling away. Sybbie and Charlotte raced each other to see who could finish their sums first (when the teacher was not looking, of course.) Sybbie won every time.

"How are you so good? You've never been to school before!" Charlotte whispered.

"I practice with our cook, Daisy, who sticks to her books. She's taught me some world history as well." Sybbie whispered back.

"Wow! You have a cook too?" Charlotte breathed, amazed.

"Yes. And valets, maids, nannies, lady's maids, a butler, a head housekeeper, footmen, and even gardeners!" She explained quietly.

"I've just a mum, da, 2 older brothers and a baby sister!" Charlotte giggled.

"I've my cousin George and my prissy, stuck up cousin Marigold who thought she was too high class for school." Sybbie rolled her eyes.

"Oh boy." Charlotte sighed.

Sybbie was growing very fond of her.


At lunch, Sybbie traded Charlotte half her muffin for half of Charlotte's jelly sandwich. They giggled when George and Mason tried to balance cheese on their noses.

Sybbie pulled out a sliver of chocolate from her basket. Charlottes eyes widened.

"Have you never seen chocolate before?" Sybbie asked.

"I have, but I've never eaten it." She explained.

"Would you like it?" Sybbie said kindly.

"But it's your piece." Charlotte declined politely.

"We've got plenty more at home." Sybbie said, "Speaking of which, would you like to come over today? I can show you around!"

"Wow," Charlotte breathed, "I've never been in a castle before!"

"It's not that grand. My family is very nice, except when my two aunts are in the same room. Then you must run for the hills!" Sybbie laughed.

"They don't get along?"

"I am quite positive Aunt Mary bickered with Aunt Edith before she was even born!"

"What about your mother? Surely they get along with her?" Charlotte asked.

Sybbie's face dropped.

"I haven't got a mother.she died when I was born." Sybbie said, suddenly very quiet.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. How about you're Uncles? Do they bicker?"

Sybbie smiled sadly.

"I wouldn't know. My Uncle Matthew died In a car wreck was I was nearing the age of one. My other Uncle was killed when I was four. I never actually met him!" She explained.

"I'm terrible at this! I won't ask anymore questions." Charlotte exclaimed.

"It's alright. It doesn't faze me anymore."

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