July 1935

623 25 2

Sybbie and Mason sat on the beach. Mason crunched on an apple as Sybbie devoured a sandwich. She hadn't eaten all day; she was too nervous.

Mason had told her that he was to ask permission to court her. They had known each other for ages now, and they both loved each other. Sybbie was scared her father and grandfather wouldn't allow it. They would think she was too young. Sybbie thought she was of age now; she's be 16 in December.

They walked down the sand, Sybbie kicking rocks into the water as they went.

"Are you alright?" Mason questioned.

She took a breath before answering, hoping the butterflies would disappear.

"Not really. I'm afraid my father and Donk haven't been on good terms lately." She admitted.

"Oh," Mason sighed, "Sybbie, I've been waiting to ask them for months now. I can't wait any longer!"

"I know Mason, and I am truly sorry. But if Donk is in the papers on trial for your murder, it'll be your own fault." She teased.

Mason laughed, and locked his hand in Sybbie's. She quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry, it just feels as if..someone I know is watching us. I don't want this to ruin our chances." She whispered As she saw a male figure in the distance.

"Sybbie, what are you worrying about? We are the only two on the beach."


Who was that male figure?? I wonder!

Sorry for the wait for a new chapter, I've got school exams coming up and ive been busy studying!

Xx Emma xX

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