December 1933

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"SYBBIE WAKE UP!" George screamed at the top of his lungs, "ITS AN EMERGENCY!"

Sybbie jolted awake.

"What!? What's wrong!? Who died!?" The tired teen-age girl said, panicked.

George doubled over in laughs. He slapped his legs, tears squirting out of his eyes, laughing so hard he fell to the ground.

"What are you going on about George?" Sybbie questioned, still panicked.

"You fell for it! You fell for it!!!" He could barley catch his breath.

"I fell for what!?" She was getting annoyed now.

"It's half past six, Sybbie. I woke you at half past six!" He chuckled.

"....And? I rise at quarter past five every morning, genius." Sybbie rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but it's December 7th." He smiled.

"George I don't know wha-" Sybbie stopped mid sentence.

She realized what she was missing. Her eyes widened, and she began to yell at him.

"George! It's my birthday! Your supposed to let me sleep in late! That's the rule!"

"Grandpapa says teen-agers sleep too much. Now that your fourteen, your a full one. No sleeping for you!" He said matter of factly.

"Did Donk tell you teen-agers are stubborn?" She asked.


"Well, I guess he was right!"

"Wha-AUGHHHHH!" George ran down the hallway laughing.

"Get back here you pest!" She laughed.

Sybbie chased him down the hall with her pillow poised above her head, ready to smack George into his place.

Mary, Edith and Tom came out of their rooms, yawning.

"What's going on out here?" Edith asked, rubbing her eyes.

"George woke me on my birthday! Now he's going to get it!" Sybbie said, attempting to squeeze past her father to hit George with the pillow.

"Happy birthday, my sweet Sybil! Where has the time gone? You look more and more like your mother everyday." Tom said, tears brimming in his eyes.

Sybbie was turning into a replica of her mother.

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