May 1934

682 30 3

Sybbie snuck down the stairwell dressed in her nightgown and slippers. It was quarter past five in the morning. She crept through the servants hall, making sure to step over where she knew the floor creaked.

Carefully, being the sneaky 14 year old girl she was, Sybbie silently pried open the back doors, letting in Mason. He held in his hands a box of papers and fountain pens, scissors and paste, and Polaroids of George and his friends.

"You can start on his birthday card, and I'll pull out all of the ingredients for his cake." Sybbie whispered.

Mason nodded and spilled out the contents on the table.

"Shhhhh!" She giggled.

"I'm sorry!"

Sybbie began to pull out all of the cake ingredients, searching for the recipe for George's favourite cake- lemon and custard. Sybbie began on the custard; it was something she made regularly on her spare time. She set the custard to cool, and then began to mix the cake batter.

"Have you done this before?" Mason asked, concentrating very hard on making a swirly G on George's name.

"I've made custard loads of times. I can make cake very good too. But I can never seem to get the batter right! I think I'll add some more lemon this time." She explained.

"Don't ruin it!" He laughed.

"I'll try not to." She said sarcastically.

Mason smiled and returned to the card. He pasted the Polaroids of them to one side of the card, and on the other, he wrote:
To George,
Have a very happy birthday! Don't eat too much cake, we've still got to play football!
Many wishes,
Sybbie and Mason


At half past six, Mason and Sybbie were in a full fledge flour fight. Sybbie had accidentally spilled some flour onto Mason while measuring it out, which resulted Mason in splattering some onto her apron.

Within 2 minutes, the kitchen was a puff of white. It looked like a snow storm had started inside. Their giggles awoke all of the downstairs staff, who cluttered around the doorway, watching in admiration.

"He makes Miss Sybbie so very happy." Anna smiled.

"I've never seen her smile so brightly before." Bates whispered back.

"This needs to come to an end!" Carson puffed.

Mrs Hughes' hand caught his shoulder.

"Look how pleased she is. Don't ruin their fun! She's still a child, and if she doesn't remind you of Sybil and her free spirit, then you go right ahead and spoil it." She said.

Carson stood there.

"That's exactly what I thought."

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