November 1928

773 24 2

Sybbie stood near the nursery entrance impatiently. Marigold and George were running about in the gardens, and Sybbie had declined, so she could find Edith.

Soon enough, Edith sauntered by.

"Aunt Edith!" She whisper-shouted.

Edith turned to face her.


"Come in, please. I need to talk to you." She said, gesturing to the room.

Edith walked in and Sybbie shut the door. They both sat on her bed quilts, rumpling the perfectly smooth dark pink sheets.

"Can you please tell me where you've gone?" Sybbie blurted.

Edith looked puzzled for a moment, but quickly realized what she meant.

"Now Sybbie," she began.

"Oh, please Aunt Edith! You've been back for months now! Can't you tell me? I'm a big girl, nearly 9 years old, you know. I'm not double digits yet, but I'm smart enough to understand things."

Edith smiled fondly.

She hesitated to to answer, but Sybbie's words sunk deeper into her mind. She remembered Sybbie was a very mature little girl.

And so she began. She told her deepest, darkest, cruelest secrets, all to an innocent child.


I know that chapter was beyond short! School is keeping me on my toes! :) Xx Emma xX

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