June 1929

769 23 2

9 year old Sybbie ran down the stairs, and into the grand hall. Her grandfather waited by the doors, holding her blue petticoat.

"I'm here!" She cried, running out of breath.

"Good. Let us hurry, we'll be late for the riding races." He chuckled, helping her into the coat.

"Do you have the binoculars, Donk?" She asked mischievously.

He flashed her a smile.

"Yes darling. Now, off we go."


In the automobile, Sybbie tapped the window lightly. It was an overcast day, but warm. She counted all of the orchards they past.

"Donk, is papa already there?" She asked him, keeping her eyes glued to the window.

He laughed lightly.

"Yes Sybbie darling. Him and your Aunt will be racing." He explained to the curious girl.

Sybbie pondered about her father. He had hated riding for as long as she could remember. Now he was going to race?

"He's bound to lose." She giggled.

"Why is that?" Robert asked her, surprised.

"Aunt Mary has been doing this since before I was born. She has a good knowledge of riding. Now he's going to race her? He started last month. Good luck to him!" She exclaimed.

Robert smiled fondly at his granddaughter. She was so intelligent, and had an opinion about everything, even if it wasn't quite necessary. But he admired that.

She wasn't like the rest of the family. She was different. She may of had the looks and genes, but she was separate.

"Well," Lord Grantham said, snapping out of his trance, "I guess we'll have to see if your right!"


Sybbie stood on a bench, binoculars glued to her face. Mary was in the lead by far, and Tom was in behind.

"Go Aunt Mary!" She cried out, even though she knew Mary would not hear her.

"Sybbie, let Mari have a turn now. She's been waiting for 10 minutes. You and George can go get a sweet at the stand over there." Edith said, pointing to a snack vendor.

"Alright. Here Marigold." She smiled, and hopped down from the bench, forgetting there was mud underneath her.

Sybbie's new white shoes became brown and muddy. Her cheeks turned a light pink, and pulled George away with her before Edith or Robert noticed her ruined footwear.

"Sybbie, grandpapa is going to notice brown splotches all over your shoes." George pointed out.

Sybbie stopped and let go of his wrist.

"So, you saw?" She said sheepishly.

"It's almost impossible not to stop and stare at it!" He laughed.

Sybbie smiled and pushed him playfully.

"Thank you, Master Obvious." She giggled.

George rolled his eyes.

"Come on. We'll miss the race if we don't hurry!"

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