Chapter Twenty two

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The group chased after the wisp of smoke, Aang leading the way with Mai and Kei Lo trailing behind.

"Where are you leading us?" Aang asked the smoke.

"Probably somewhere dark and dank." Mai grumbled.

"So, the same as where we are now?" Kei Lo chuckled.


"You know, you're kinda cute when you're pessimistic." Kei Lo grinned.

"I've been told."

Stifling an annoyed sigh at the exchange, Zuko focused on the smoke which had just lead them to a wall. A wall with another dragon. Without a second thought, Aang looked back at Kei Lo who was already walking over with knives in hand. With a quick movement, the wall opened, revealing an old stone staircase that descended into somewhere dark and dusty.

"Nope. I'm not going down there." Mai immediately refused.

"Looks like a crypt," Aang observed. "Kei Lo, do you think you could come with me in case there's something to unlock?"

"Sure..." He replied hesitantly, looking back at Mai and Zuko.

The Firelord just shot him a look that said: "dude, nothing's gonna happen." But he didn't seem to get the picture as he was still hesitant in following Aang down the stairs.

After they disappeared, Zuko was left with the uncomfortable awareness that Mai was still next to him.


Katara and Sokka walked through the city, greeting some overjoyed familiar faces. Everyone congratulated them on their saving of the world and asked them questions about various topics.

"What's all this commotion about?" A raspy old voice asked.

Katara and Sokka turned around to see their Gran Gran standing at the edge of the group. They were quick to hug her.

"We missed you so much!" Katara smiled, tearing up a bit.

"I've missed you too," Gran Gran noted, she stepped back, looking Sokka up and down. "My, you've gotten taller, Sokka."

"And more muscular!" He boasted, flexing.

"Eh, I don't know about that." Another voice butted in.

"Pakku?" Katara uttered, turning around to see her waterbending master approach the group.

"That's grandpa Pakku to you now." He chuckled.

"You got married?!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Just a few weeks ago!" Gran Gran commented, joining his side.

"Aw, we missed the ceremony? I knew we should've come back sooner." Katara sighed.

They shared some more pleasantries, Pakku asked Katara for some assistance at his waterbending school and Gran Gran told them where to find their father.

The two siblings moved on to find their father's office. Reaching a grand building made out of ice, Sokka was once again, awestruck while Katara didn't seem too enthused.

"Wow!" Sokka exclaimed.

"That's Dad's office? It's.. so..."

"Huge? Amazingly cool?!" Sokka beamed.

"So... Not Dad..."


Zuko couldn't help but frown. He didn't want to be down here anymore and he didn't want to be with Mai anymore. She didn't seem content either.

Personal guard (Sokka x Zuko) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now