Chapter Eighteen

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    Making a pit stop in Ba sing Se, they were met by the Air Acolytes. Aang spent most of his time with them while Katara helped out Iroh in the tea shop. Sokka spent his time practicing throwing his boomerang, and admiring the scenery of Ba sing Se. He already missed Zuko.. but he'd see him soon so it wasn't too bad. It just gave him something to look forwards to.

    "We're going home tomorrow," Katara sighed, standing beside her brother. "Are you excited?"

    "Yeah," Sokka smiled. "I can't wait to see Dad and Gran Gran."

    "Me too... I wonder what's changed..." Katara mumbled.

    He knew what she meant. After they'd gone to the North for Aang to learn waterbending, the Northern tribe sent ships down to help rebuild. Who knows what was going on now.

A few weeks prior

    Standing on the deck of his ship, Zuko sighed, content but also sad. He missed Sokka. But it felt like forever since he'd been home. A sharp caw from the sky captured his attention and he looked up to see a messanger hawk. Holding out his arm, it landed promptly and allowed him access to the slender scroll that was tucked into it's harness.

    Unrolling it, he read it over and frowned. Apparently there was going to be a group of assassin's positioned to attack him on his way back to the palace. With a discouraged sigh, he wrote a message back and sent the hawk on it's way.

    "What was that about?" Ursa asked, walking up to him.

    "Nothing to worry about... But we're going to take a little detour." Zuko replied promptly.


    A few hours later, the shoreline of the Fire Nation was visible. The ship came to a stop as a submarine surfaced next to it. The top opened, revealing Suki, Iroh, and some other Kyoshi warriors.

    "Thank you for making it on such short notice." Zuko nodded, helping Suki onto the deck.

    "We really had to hustle." Suki laughed hesitantly.

    There was an awkward air between them, but that was sort of to be expected.

    "So did you find a decoy?" Zuko asked.

    "Actually yes, we had a volunteer." Suki gestured to Iroh.

    "Uh... No offense uncle, but we don't really look alike..."

    "Don't worry, the crowd isn't going to see my face, they'll just see me hand. I've been practicing my wave," Iroh held his hand up as a demonstration. "What do you think? Is it angsty enough?"

    "Woah! What's that?!" Kiyi exclaimed, running out onto the deck.

    "That's a submarine," Zuko smiled down at her. "My friend Sokka invented it."

    "The funny guy with the boomerang?" Kiyi asked.

    "Yeah, that's right." Zuko chuckled.

    It felt weird to refer to Sokka as his friend. But he didn't want Suki to feel even more awkward. And he also didn't feel like explaining anything to Kiyi.

    Iroh turned to Ursa and gave her a hug, swapping pleasantries and an apology for his Ozai treated her, they ended on good terms and Zuko prepared to go home.


    When they got closer, Iroh and several guards departed to return to the official harbor where a crowd of Fire Nation citizens were cheering for their Firelord's return.

    Zuko and the rest of his family took the submarine to a more secluded beach and made their way towards the palace in a carriage.

    About a half an hour into their trip, the carriage was ambushed by a group of men, chanting the word "traitor". Suki and some other Kyoshi warriors sprung into battle, fighting them off. Zuko was quick to join them.

    Suki set off a stress flare which flew miles high into the air. They did their best trying to fight off the attackers until reinforcements came.

    "Traitor!" One of the masked men attacked Zuko and he sprung back.

    Somehow they'd managed to circle the carriage with the warriors on the outside. One of the men shot a net at Suki and whilst Zuko was distracted, he was taken down too.

    "If you'd just surrendered peacefully, we wouldn't have to do this." One of the men sneered, making his way towards the carriage.

    "No!" Zuko shouted, struggling against the ropes.

    Suddenly, one of the men pulled off his mask and ran to Zuko. He cut through the ropes and Zuko sprung up.

    "Who are you? Why are you helping me?" He asked the guy.

    "I'm Kei Lo... And we uh... We have a mutual friend." The guy responded, freeing Suki.

    "What? Who?"


    All of a sudden, warriors dropped down from an air ship. Mai was alongside them, fighting off the assassins.

    "Mai?" Zuko uttered.

    She payed him no mind, focusing all her energy on fighting off the men. And they did. Several of them were captured, but the leader and a few others managed to escape.

    After clearing out some space, she turned to Kei Lo.

    "I knew you couldn't be trusted." She frowned.

    "Mai, I couldn't help it! They knew!" Kei Lo uttered.

    "I vouch for him." Zuko jutted in.

    "Why? You barely know him." Mai turned to look at Zuko.

    "I know his name's Kei Lo and that he just helped save my family." Zuko responded shortly.

    One of the men leapt into a log and ordered the rest of them to go for the carriage. Zuko immediately ran to try and stop them. One of them threw a spear which flew through the window, breaking the glass.

    "No!" Zuko fired a blast at the man and ran for the carriage.

    He looked inside to see the three of them still safe and sound. Shaken, but safe.

    "Thank goodness!" Zuko breathed.

    "We're ok. But I'm getting kinda tired of sitting in here." Kiyi laughed, clinging to her Dad.


    Zuko turned to see himself surrounded by men. He leapt onto the carriage just as the assassins fired blasts at him. Taking a stance, he swirled the flames into a tornado of coloured fire.

    "New Ozai society!" Zuko yelled, ceasing the fighting. "Surrender now or face your Firelord's wrath!"

     The assassin's dispersed. Several were captured, but the majority of them were able to escape.


    When he reached the palace, Zuko went to see Suki off.

    "Thank you again, Suki." He bowed.

    "It's an honor." She nodded back.

    "Listen, about Sokka..." Zuko started.

    "It's okay Zuko," She smiled, holding up her hand. "You make him happy, and he makes you happy. That's all I need to know."

    "We're still friends though... Right?"

    "Of course!" Suki nodded. "If you ever need our help again, just let me know."




Personal guard (Sokka x Zuko) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now