Chapter Seventeen

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    Aang and Kiyi laughed excitedly as they rode the dolphin fish. Katara watched them contentedly from aboard the ship. Sokka leaned against the railing and sharpened his boomerang. It was a beautiful morning, the sky was clear and the air was crisp and warm.

    Zuko walked up onto the deck, he was back to wearing his Firelord robes, flowing gently in the wind. Ursa walked up to stand beside him, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

    Sokka perked up and shot his boyfriend a smile. Zuko returned the gesture as he walked over to stand next to him.

    "Where's Ikem?" Sokka asked.
    "Below deck, having a conversation with one of the guards." Zuko replied, leaning against the ledge of the ship.

    "Cool," He paused, glancing at Ursa who was looking up at the sky. "How are things with your mom?"

    "Good, I think. There's still a lot I have to fill her in on... We're both worried about Azula. But there was no sign of her." Zuko sighed.
    "She'll be ok." Sokka put a hand on Zuko's shoulder reassuringly.

    Zuko smiled softly before returning his gaze to the ocean where Kiyi and Aang were still riding dolphin fish.

    "Kiyi!" Ursa's voice got everyone's attention.

    She ran to the side and called for her daughter to come back on deck. Her eyes were frantic.

    "Mom!" Zuko called, patting her back.

    "I'm so sorry!" Aang said as he landed on deck with Kiyi. "I promise they wouldn't have hurt her, dolphin fish are the kindest animals... And the friendliest."

    Ursa hugged her daughter who was against the contact. She pulled herself away from Ursa and ran to hide behind Zuko.

    "Don't touch me!" Kiyi shouted.

    "I'm sorry Avatar, I shouldn't have reacted that way," Ursa turned to Aang, obviously hurt by her daughter's reaction to her. "I know she's safe with you..."

    "It's ok mom." Zuko said softly, rubbing her back.

    Ursa returned below deck and a guard escorted Kiyi down as well. Aang and Katara walked off to a different part of the ship to attend to Appa.

    "Have you told them yet?" Zuko asked softly, gesturing to the duo.

    "No, not yet... But I think Katara knows..." Sokka muttered.

    "I figured, she was giving me weird looks." Zuko chuckled.

    "Whatever, if she's allowed to be oogy with Aang," He turned to wrap his arms around Zuko. "I'm allowed to be oogy with you."

    They shared a light kiss before pulling away gently, Zuko had an amused look to his expression as he looked at Sokka.

    "Oogy?" He asked.

    "Whenever they get all lovey dovey... It's... Oogy." Sokka explained.

    "I see." Zuko smirked.


    "Nothing," Zuko shook his head and then pecked Sokka on the forehead. "You're just cute."

    With that, Zuko returned to below deck, leaving behind a fairly flustered Sokka.


    "Alright," Katara stated when Sokka joined them by Appa. "Sokka you have some explaining to do."

Personal guard (Sokka x Zuko) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now