Chapter Four

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When they got back to the palace, Sokka only got a glimpse of Zuko (which wasn't a bad thing since he wasn't in uniform) who looked like he hadn't slept in days again. Sokka hurried back to his room to change, Suki and some other warriors came as well, but to fix up their makeup.

"Sokka, you're on night duty tonight, ok?" Suki confirmed as they walked down the hallway.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you're guarding Zuko- er, the Firelord while he sleeps." She explained.

"Inside or outside his room?" Sokka arched an eyebrow.



That night, Sokka stood outside of Zuko's room with another Kyoshi warrior. The full moon's light shone in through a window, the sky was beautiful. He thought about Yue for a bit, admiring the full moon's glow.

His thoughts were disrupted by the sound of some commotion within the bedroom.

"He woke up." The Kyoshi warrior beside him sighed, moving out of the way of the door.

It opened abruptly before Sokka could move, swinging and whacking him in the face. He heard Zuko start to frantically say something but an unintentional noise of pain escaped his own lips, disrupting the troubled Firelord.

Zuko looked over at Sokka who was now rubbing his nose. His look of fear turned to that of worry (which didn't look very different) and he rushed over to Sokka.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his voice still raspy with sleep.

"Yeah, I'm alright... Just a little bruise probably," Sokka chuckled, he flinched, noticing that he hadn't changed his voice. "Uh, I should be asking you the same question though, are you alright Firelord?"

"Oh," Zuko's look of worry dissipated, now he just looked tired. "I just... Had a nightmare I think," He shook his head. "I'm going for a walk in the garden."

"I'll go with you..." Sokka blurted, following him.

The other Kyoshi gave him a strange look but didn't say anything. Him and Zuko left the hallway quietly, the water tribe boy following the Firelord into the garden.


They walked in silence, the moon reflecting off the pond water and illuminating the garden with a soft glow. It was fairly big and there were little to no clouds. Sokka walked a little ways behind Zuko, the Firelord was noticeably distracted by his thoughts.

"Firelord," Sokka sped up a bit, going to walk beside the other boy. "Are you okay? Really?"

Zuko stopped walking, looking over at Sokka with a dumbfounded expression.

"Meng, right?" He asked hoarsely, rubbing his temples.

"Y-yeah, that's me..." Sokka shot him an awkward smile, putting his hands behind his back.

"I guess Suki didn't say anything but I haven't exactly been sleeping well lately. Last time I had a proper sleep was..." He trailed off.

"In... My lap?" Sokka flushed a bit at the memory.

"Y-yeah..." Zuko muttered, a rosy pink dusting his cheek as well.

"Sorry if I overstepped my boundaries that time, I just don't want you to get hurt or anything." Sokka explained, not really thinking about what he was saying.

"I can take care of myself." Zuko gave him a little cocky grin, obviously not meaning to sound harsh by the statement.

"I believe you," Sokka chuckled, holding up his hands in defense. "It's just that, not getting a proper sleep can really mess with your mind."

Personal guard (Sokka x Zuko) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now