Chapter Eight

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    (Teeny tiny author's note: There's a little flashback in this chapter, it'll be indicated by the italics :))

    Azula walked out into the courtyard, scowling at the bright atmosphere. Her sleep deprived eyes sensitive to the sun.

    "Good morning Azula!" Aang chirped from up on Appa.

    Sokka sat leaning against the back of Appa's saddle. Aang had told him about Azula and he was surprisingly alright with the situation. If he was keeping his eye on Azula, then he'd be distracted from Zuko.

    Speaking of the devil, the Firelord walked out of the palace, talking with his Uncle and shot a quick glance at Sokka, unaware that he was looking back at him.

    The water tribe boy sighed, sliding off of Appa's back and giving the giant fluffy bison a pat. Azula glanced over at him and he raised an eyebrow.

    Two Kyoshi warriors walked out to stand near her. Ty Lee and Suki.

    "Suki!" Sokka chirped. However, he quickly cut himself off and took a breath. Hopefully things wouldn't be weird between them too.

    "Hey Sokka." Suki smiled, holding her arms open for a hug.

    A wide grin spread across his face and he eagerly wrapped his arms around the slightly shorter girl. Her embrace was warm and he sighed, why couldn't he just be content with this?

    "Are you coming with us?" Sokka asked, pulling away from Suki.

    "No, we're staying to guard Iroh." Suki replied.

    "That's too bad..." Sokka pouted, glancing at Ty Lee who's eyes never left Azula.

    "Is everything ready?" Zuko asked, drawing the attention of Sokka and Suki.

    His tone was rather harsh and it came as a surprise to Aang in particular. Sokka had figured that maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning and shrugged it off. Though that didn't stop him from listening in on his answer when Aang asked him about it.

    "You alright Zuko?" Aang murmured, leaning over as far as he could without falling off Appa.

    "I'm fine, I just want to get going," Zuko replied, still harsh. "Where's Katara?"

    His eyes softened a bit at his own mention of Katara. They had a short conversation the night before, she hadn't asked him many questions which was sort of unlike her, but he didn't mind.

    "I'm here," Katara called, running out to meet the rest of the gang. "Are we going to go now?"

    "First I just want to figure out who has the first watch on Azula." Zuko piped up, looking around at everyone, meeting Sokka's eyes for a fragment of a second.

    "I'll do it." Sokka offered, shrugging.

    "Ha! You?" Azula grinned, her hands poised on her hips.

    "Sokka, maybe you should leave this to the benders..." Katara urged softly, giving him a concerned glance.

    "What? There's nothing she could throw at me that my boomerang and I can't handle!" Sokka boasted, holding up said boomerang.

    "Filthy peasant. You couldn't do any damage with that toy of yours." Azula sneered, waving him off.

    "Oh really?" Sokka frowned, walking over to her. "You underestimate me Azula."

    She glanced at him, her expression bored. With a little grin, she sparked a small shot of lightning at the boomerang, causing Sokka to yelp and shake his hand.

Personal guard (Sokka x Zuko) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now