Chapter Sixteen

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    The Firelord moved to go after his sister but Noriko grabbed his arm, catching his attention.

    "Fire Lord, look." She pointed towards the forest.

    He looked over to see the mother of faces towering over the trees. Appa and Aang on his glider flew next to her as she made her way towards Zuko and Noriko. Stopping in front of them, she loomed over the duo.

    "Human," She bellowed. "Do you wish to return to who you once were? Do you wish to remember?" She asked.

    "No, you don't have to," Zuko looked to Noriko. "You have such a beautiful life here."

    "Yes." Noriko said to the spirit without a moment's hesitation.

    "Hold still." The spirit ordered, reaching down to grab Noriko's head.


    Ursa's face had returned and she went back to collect her things to go with Zuko to the Fire Nation. Ikem and Kiyi were going with her. Sokka, Aang and Katara searched the forest for Azula but couldn't find any trace of her. With forming pits of anxiety, they returned to Hira'a to set up camp.

    Aang and Katara had fallen asleep on Appa while Sokka watched the woods. He glanced at the village every now and then as well, hoping to catch any other signs of movement. Slowly, he felt sleep creep over him.

    "Sokka." He woke up at the sound of his name.

    Zuko was halfway towards him, he was hard to make out in the dark light. Sokka smiled, standing up slowly, his muscles still loose with sleep.

    "Did I wake you up? Sorry..." Zuko sighed.

    "It's ok," Sokka yawned. "What's up?"

    "I just wanted to make sure you were ok. It was a pretty nasty fight there with Azula..." Zuko responded.

     "Nothing me and my boomerang couldn't handle." Sokka boasted.

    Zuko chuckled, smiling softly at the water tribe boy.

    "So, I was wondering," Zuko started softly. "Would you like to come back to the palace with me?"

     Sokka's eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across his face. He was about to say yes until he remembered... The excited expression disappeared.

    "Katara, Aang and I were gonna go to the south pole to see our Dad and such," Sokka replied. "We haven't been home since we first got Aang out of the iceberg."

    "I understand," Zuko patted his shoulder. "I wouldn't want to keep you away from going home."

     "Thank you Zuko!" Sokka exclaimed, wrapping his arms around him. "I promise I'll visit."

     "I look forward to it." Zuko replied, his tone a little more husky than he intended.

    Sokka shivered, subconsciously holding himself closer to Zuko. Pulling away slightly, they looked at one another for a moment. Zuko admired how the moonlight reflected off Sokka's eyes, giving their clear blue a bright shine. They almost glowed.

    "You're so pretty." He muttered, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.

    Sokka giggled into the kiss, his cheeks warming at the words. Zuko was so warm... Neither of them wanted this moment to end.


    The next morning Sokka woke up to Appa licking his face.

    "Eugh!!! Appa!" He spat, wiping his face.

    The rest of the gang laughed as he desperately tried to get all the thick slobber off himself. Katara and Aang were packing their things and Zuko was sitting beside him, chuckling. He smiled at Zuko before getting up to complain at Appa. To which he earned a growl and another lick.

   "Alright, we're going to get going now." Katara announced.

   "We'll be going with Zuko about half way there and then we'll go to the south pole." Aang directed, patting Appa's side.

    "Can we stop by Ba sing Se to go to the Jasmine dragon first?" Sokka beamed.

    "Sure." Aang chuckled.

    "Great!" Sokka cheered, pumping his fist.

    The Firelord looked across the town to see his mother leaving the house. Kiyi clung to her Dad, she didn't recognize Ursa. With a soft sigh, he made his way towards them. He was finally going home. And his family was finally reunited. He cast a glance at the forest. Well, most of it at least...



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