Character Information

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Name: Aubrey Valentina Gibbs

DOB: January 2, 1991

Age: 10

Family: Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Father), Shannon Gibbs (Mother), Jackson Gibbs (Grandfather), Ann Gibbs (Grandmother), Kelly Gibbs (Older Sister), Anthony (Tony) DiNozzo (NCIS Uncle), Abby Sciuto (NCIS Sister), Timothy (Tim) McGee (NCIS Uncle), Dr. Donald (Ducky) Mallard (NCIS Grandfather)

Hobbies: Reading, solving cases, helping her dad build boats, and sleeping

Bio: Aubrey Valentina Gibbs is Jethro Gibbs' baby girl. She is his pride and joy after the death of his wife and daughter. She is only 10, but she is intelligent and witty at times. After losing Shannon and Kelly, Gibbs is determined to protect his little girl, but she refuses to be stuck in a room. Joining her father on some cases, Aubrey flourishes and ends up skipping some grades and becomes home schooled. Aubrey is so proud of her father and lets him know how much she loves him each night. When she grows up, she wants to be just like him because in her eyes, he could do no wrong.

Portrayed by Emma Watson

Portrayed by Emma Watson

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