Chapter 6 part 2. In the Blood

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Hermione’s PoV




I opened the door, expecting to find Draco either lounging on the sofa, or maybe (hopefully, after all he had been through) asleep. He was not either of those things. Instead, he was hunched over his desk, doing god knows what. I swear, if he was grading papers....


I walked over. “What are you doing?”


“Hmm? What?”


I peered over his shoulder. “I said, what are y- is that blood?!”


He glanced down at his hand. “Yes. I was trying to see if there was magic in it.”


There was a pause. “You. You were what?”


“Magic.” he said. Then, a look of understanding. “I forgot to tell you before. I keep having this… alternate sight. Blue lights on certain things. Magic items. Only magic items. I wanted to see if there was blood in my magic - hang on, magic in my blood.”


I nodded slowly. “Right.” I murmured a quick healing spell. “And how are you feeling?”


“A bit woozy, actually.” he said. “Though I don’t think it was from the blood. It was a small cut.” he paused, looking confused, though utterly focused, on a spot on the wall. “My head hurts.” he finally decided.


“Right.” I sighed. “Let’s get you to Madam Pomfrey.”


He nodded slowly. “I think,” he paused. “I think that would be a very intelligent idea.”


I nodded along with him. “I think so too.”


“You’re very intelligent.” he continued as I steered him out the door.


“Thank you.”


“You’re also really pretty. Have I mentioned that before?”


“You might have, once or twice.” I said as we continued down the hall.


“Oh. Well you should remind me to say it more often.” he said as he nearly tripped over his own shoes.


“I’ll make a note of it.”


“I…” he trailed off, looking into the distance again. “I don’t think I’m feeling very well.”


“Good thing we’re at the infirmary then.” I said as we entered the room. “You sit down here.” I continued as Madam Pomfrey bustled over.


“What’s the problem, dear?”

“He… Well, I’m not really sure.” I admitted. “I walked into our room and he was hunched over his desk trying to see magic in his blood? He said something about seeing magic everywhere, in visions. Though I don’t know how much truth is in there; he’s pretty out of it.”

She pursed her lips, looking at Draco’s intense gaze the wooden chair in the corner, concerned. “Yes, I can see that.”


“Madam Pomfrey, there are bowtruckles in your chair.” he said absently.


“Alright, dear.” she said, putting a hand to his head. “Well, you don’t have a fever, so that’s good. Hermione, be a dear and fetch the Headmistress, would you? She said she wanted to know if anything happened.”

“Of course.”

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