Chapter 16. Escape

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You guys don't realize how difficult it is to not turn this into a Drarry fic. Praise my self restraint.


"Malfoy." I felt a hand grab my shoulder. "Draco, get up!"

I squinted up into the darkness, half asleep. "What?"

"Lumos." Harry muttered. The dim light illuminated his face. "We have to leave."

I sat up, blinking sleep from my eyes. "Why? What's happened?"

Harry's mouth was set in a hard line. "I don't know what's happened, but my alarm wards have been triggered. We need to get out."

I threw off my blanket and pulled on my shoes. "Alright, how do we get out of here?"

"Well." said Harry. "There aren't any exits other than the main door - and there are people out there. Fortunately for you, I have this." Out of his pocket he pulled a cloak of some kind - it shimmered like silver.

"Is that-"

"An invisibility cloak. Handy to have for situations like these." Harry finished, handing it to me. As i shrugged it onto my shoulders, he continued. "So here's the plan. I walk out of here like nothing's the matter, with you following behind, invisible. I pretend nothing is the matter and we're in the clear. If I'm approached, I bullshit an excuse. Worst comes to worst, you break for it and I follow."

I nodded. "Sounds good. What if we get separated?"

"We meet up somewhere. Erm, Hermione's parents' place?"

"I don't want to get them involved in this." I murmured.

"It probably won't happen, but you're right. They don't deserve another war." Harry thought for a moment. "Shrieking Shack?"

"Works for me." I said, shrugging.

Harry nodded, then tugged the cloak further over my head. "Now be really, really quiet and follow me."

Harry slipped his wand into his sleeve - concealed, but easy to reach if need be. He opened the door and strode out. There were half a dozen mediwizards and mediwitches, and twice that in security. I followed Harry, half a step behind. The room went silent as he walked out.

"Something the matter?" Harry asked innocently.

"Not at all." replied one of the security. "Merely surprised to see you out of Mr. Malfoy's room. You rarely leave."

"Well, just doing my job, I suppose." Harry said, grinning benevolently. "Anyway, I'm off for some coffee. Take care that no one blows him up, would you? I'd hate to lose my job." A few of the healers laughed, albeit nervously. Harry continued on his way.

After a moment, Harry's steps faltered and he swore. "Aurors up ahead." he whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Morning, Smith." Harry smiled. The Auror nodded in response. "Sure a lot of security tonight." Harry continued. "Got a dangerous patient in?"

"You could say that."

"Bad luck to be on guard duty." Harry said, his voice full of sympathy.

"Could say the same to you."

Harry laughed, already past the man. The smile dropped from his face as soon as he was around the next corner. "We have to hurry. They've sent in their worst." He quickened his pace. "Or best, depending on how you look at it. Best of them for killing people, worst for us. Because death."

"Stop rambling." I muttered, half jogging next to him.

"The main door is up ahead." Harry responded, ignoring me. "Follow behind me."

I dropped behind him just as we turned around the corner. He swore and reached for something at his side - I couldn't tell what, and he was blocking my view of what exactly he was swearing at. With one hand, he reached behind him and grabbed my arm through the thin gossamer cloth. With the other, he threw some kind of powder out from his belt.

The world went black.

I could hear people shouting in front of us, and the yells of "Lumos" and spells being cast, but no light came from them. Harry tugged me along quickly, amazingly not hitting anyone, and through a door that neither of us could see.

"We're past the anti-apparition wards." He said as the world cleared. The inside of the building seemed to still be pitch dark. "Ready?"

I nodded. "Let's go."

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