Chapter 15. New Information

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It was four days before Harry found anything on the forest. Four days of deciphering 15th century English before Harry waltzed back into my hospital room like he hadn't left me with the equivalent of an intern auror - an intern - and no biscuits. He could have sent me a care package, but no. He was too busy researching. Hermione wouldn't send me anything because, and I quote, "It's bad for you, Draco, and you're recovering and need food that isn't pure sugar." She was right, but I still wasn't happy. At least she did visit once.

After Harry got rid of Mr. Intern, he turned back to me. "I think I may have found something on this 'Wist's Woods'."

"Great." I said, surprised. To be honest, I hadn't expected much. "Let's hear it."

"Okay, so the closest I could find was one Wistman's Wood - Wist, from the Devonshire dialent Wisht, meaning eery or uncanny. Lot's of old legends of fairies and other magical beings. It's in Dartmoor, Devon, England. Didn't find anything connected the Wood to a temple, or blue light or anything though."

I whistled. "Good work. Where'd you find all that?"

"It's this muggle thing. Google?"

I looked at him blankly.

"You type a word into a search bar and it comes up with information containing or pertaining to that word?"

"Kind of like those weird 'search key word' spells Hermione kept telling me about."

"Yeah, like that. Anyway, did you find anything?"

"Not anything about blue light, seizures, or mysterious temples, unfortunately. I've just read chapter 9. It was on the origins of naming magical places."

"I am honestly sorry that you had to read that." He reached into his bag. "I brought a get-well-soon present, though." He tossed me a bag of assorted biscuits - gingersnaps and chocolate chip cookies included.

"Oh my god, thank you. That auror you posted outside wouldn't take my bribes to get me real food."

"Sorry about that. The new ones always stick to the rules."

"Mmm." I managed, my mouth full. When I finished chewing, I asked, "So are we gonna go find this place, or what?"

"Well, I'd prefer if we waited another two days, just until you can, you know, legally leave. I've already talked with the Headmistress about what I've found, but I think there's something she's not telling me. She seemed very distracted."

"You think there's something else going on?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You said it yourself that a few of the doctors and nurses were acting funny. And I know that you aren't really allowed out and about much, but there's a ridiculous amount of security in this place."

"Have you asked Hermione about it?"

Harry shook his head. "I didn't want to concern her with it, especially without proof. She's worried about you enough as it is."

It was a moment before I responded. "I'll be on my guard with the mediwizards, then."

"Do that. Oh, and speaking of them, how do they think you're doing?"

"They can't find anything wrong with me." I admitted. "So hopefully I'll be out of here soon."

"Hopefully." Harry echoed.

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