Chapter 14. Entirely Too Much Reading (and cookies)

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Two hours later, the cookies were gone. I had learned a surprising amount about Harry, and I had to admit, he was good company. And he was also very right about the hospital food, which was horrible.

Unfortunately, there wasn't very much I could do about the horrible hospital food, as we had eaten all the cookies. Shame. But it wasn't so bad, really, because once I did finish my food, I fell asleep almost immediately. Which was probably a good thing, seeing as the past few days hadn't exactly been my most restful.

The next few days were filled with low quality food, a surprising amount of gingersnaps (heavens knows where Potter kept finding them), and entirely too many headaches from that damn book. I had made it through the first chapter, which mentioned very little about anything I cared about, and had started on the second. Potter was helping immensely with the project; we had taken to reading aloud to help us understand it.

"The magick that runs in the veynes of the wyzards and wytches -" Harry paused. "What is it with all of the Y's? Honestly." He shook his head and continued. "Of which vertu - virtue? I don't know - is therein ymbedded is truly the supereor of those peeple who lack the magick to warm their sleep in the nyght."

"Is the entire chapter on blood purity?" I groaned.

Harry flipped a few pages forward. "The devout corage of the magick blod... The truely inferior non-magick... Yep. The entire chapter."

"Is there an index? Did McGonagall make a note of which chapters we needed?"

"There isn't an index, but chapter three is titled, "Propyr Form for the Wyzards and Wytches of the Modyrn-" Harry snorted, "Age."

"I'm assuming that isn't what we want."

"Let's see..." He flipped through the book. "Chapter four, Dysproving the Lyes of the Non-Magick. Chapter five, Places of Magickal Value in the Wyzarding World. That sounds promising."

"Yeah." I sat up, offering the bag of gingersnaps to Harry. "Want me to read?"

"If you wouldn't mind." Harry said, handing me the book and taking the biscuit.

I cleared my throat. "Places of Magickal Value in the Wyzarding World. There are many places in the greater Wyzarding World that holde historick and magick value to the Wyzarding peoples. There are many suche locations, being helde holy to many peoples, especially our owne. Places, notably the magick fae hills of Cabria (see page 82), to the herds of pegusi in Argylle (see page 87). The most powerful, and perhaps the leaste known, is today called the Fonte Lachrymas (see page 93), but if ever it had another naime, it has been loste to the histories."

"Should we go to page 93?" Harry asked, grabbing another gingersnap.

"Sounds good to me. Least known, most powerful, something in latin. Always good."

"I feel like we should translate that."

"I took latin when I was younger." I said. "It helps with the creation of new spells and stuff. Can't promise I remember too much of it, though."

Harry shrugged. "It's better than my latin knowledge. Which is to say, none."

I snorted. "Alright. Fonte. That'll be a fountain. And what was the next bit?"


"Lachrymas. Lachryma, lachrymosus... That's crying, or weeping... So the best guess I have is tears. Fountain of Tears."

"That's not dramatic or anything."

I reached for a cookie and passed the book over.

Harry took it and leafed through the book until he found page 93. "Fonte Lachrymas has for centuryse beene forgotten by the Wyzards and Wytches. It's purpose remaines unknowne to evene the most learned of the Wyzarding world. Many believe that it never existed, or beleive that it no longere exists in this world. All that remains of the legendarie Fonte Lachrymas is a description of the powere it holdes and a set of directions in whiche even I cannot find meaning."

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