Chapter 21. Rubble

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I coughed dust from my lungs, my ribs aching with bruises and rock particles. My throat constricted, my stomach heaved. I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. "Draco." I croaked. I coughed again, rolling onto my side. Enough light filtered through the rocks above me for me to see one of the aurors beside me; a man I had never seen before, but dressed in auror robes.

His wand was by his side.

I sat up, my hands tied behind my back. I reached for his wand with my limited mobility, scooting backwards until I felt the cool wood in my hand. I still wasn't a fan of the wand lock mechanism the Ministry had decided upon, but at the moment I was grateful for it. I inserted the end of it into the cuffs and breathed a sigh of relief as they popped open with a slick "click" noise.

Rubbing my wrists, I looked around. There was rock above me, rock below me, and to both sides were also rock. Lovely. I briefly considered trying to shift the rocks before deciding that would probably just send them crashing down on my head. "Draco!" I called, cupping my hands around my mouth. There was no answer. "Great." I muttered to myself. "He's dead. Everyone's dead except for me and him and I'm gonna have to apparate out of here. Great." Grabbing onto the unconscious auror's wrist, I closed my eyes and disappeared with a pop.



The world was overwhelmingly, unreservedly blue. Bright, electric blue. I could feel rough stone against the palms of my hands, pressed flat against the bottom of the fountain, water surrounding me.

I did not feel cold.

Logically, I should feel cold. It is cold outside and it is cold in caves and I am sitting in water. I should have hypothermia.

I am warm.

I feel energy coursing through me like a shot of espresso in my veins. I sit up, feeling better than I have in my entire life. I look down at my hands. My veins are overwhelmingly, unreservedly blue. Bright, electric blue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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