Chapter 12 part 2. Hospitals are boring

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Potter poked his head around the corner. “Nurse coming in, just so you know.”


“Right. Thanks.” I said.




A healer entered. “I’m going to need to speak with Mr. Malfoy alone.”


Sighing, my mother got up. “I’ll be waiting outside, then.” Hermione followed.


“So, Mr. Malfoy.” the healer began. “You’ve had a similar experience before this?”


I nodded.


“Just once?”




“And can you give me the details on that?” the healer gripped her notepad tighter.


“I… would rather not.”


“Be aware we can’t treat you without accurate knowledge of what happened.”


“Didn’t you get the details from Madam Pomfrey?” I said nervously.


“Yes, but we like to ask from the source.”


“I was teaching my class, I collapsed in a blue light.” I said. “The next time I woke up, I couldn’t use magic. I didn’t think it was anything that required urgent medical care. The Headmistress was looking into it.”


“With a bit too much urgency, given the situation, I think.”


I shifted, unable to find a comfortable spot. Something about the healer was off putting to say the least. “I disagree.”


“Technically, we can’t hold you here for more than two weeks without an incident or any signs of magical maladies.” she said, scrawling something on her paper.


“Makes it sound rather like a prison.”




“On what?” I asked.


“On whether or not those here wish to do harm.” Her eyes were piercing. “There’ll be a nurse to check on you shortly.” She got up and left.


As soon as she was out the door, Potter came ambling around the corner. “Well she left in a huff. What did you do to piss her off?”


I shrugged. “Hell if I know.”


“Eh, everyone here always looks angry. Maybe it wasn’t you. Here, catch.” He tossed something to me.


I managed, barely, to do so. “Ginger snaps?”


“Figured you might want something other than whatever they’ll be feeding you. Believe me, it won’t be good.”


“Stuck here often?”


“Mostly because of Ron. Always manages to get cursed. Or step in something. Or on something.”


“Ah. How is he, by the way?”


“Eh, he hasn’t gotten fired yet. Which is a plus. Ah, that reminds me. Congrats on the teaching job.”




“Must be weird, teaching kids you used to go to school with.”


I chuckled. “You would not believe. Some of the Slytherins still accidentally call me Draco.”


“Oof. Awkward.”


Suddenly, the door burst open.

“Draco!” a familiar voice shouted.

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