Chapter 2. Awake

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Sorry it's been a while :) I kind of forgot about this to be honest. Anyway, this chapter isn't long but I thought it was better than nothing.


My head was pounding. Flashing lights battered my eyelids, and I felt nauseous.


“Is he alright?”


Ugh. If the voice was talking about me, the answer was no. Also, they could really stand to lower the volume a tad.


“I do believe so, dear.” another voice said. Hang on, was that…?


“Madam Pomfrey, you’re a saint.”  I was in the infirmary? I tried to open my eyes, but they were so heavy. “Is he - is he waking up?”


I felt a palm on my forehead. “I certainly hope so.”


I managed to peel my eyelids open and my eyes were immediately assaulted by the bright lights of the infirmary.


“Draco dear, can you hear me?” Madam Pomfrey asked.


I made a vague affirmative sound.

“Well that’s good. Here.” She thrust a vial of something or other into my hand. I shakily lifted it to my mouth and chugged it, barely noticing the foul taste. After a moment, the pounding in my head receded to a dull throb.


“Draco, what happened?”


I turned my head - Hermione. Thank god. “I, uh.” I said. “I don’t know. I just… I remember teaching class on, what, the fourteenth? And then it gets hazy. I, uh, had this weird vis-”


“Not too much excitement.” Madam Pomfrey tutted. “You just hold up there. There’s plenty of time to discuss this. Now how about I get you some soup, and Hermione can talk to you about what happened?”


“Yeah, that’d be great, Madam Pomfrey, thanks.” I said as she walked away. I turned to Hermione. “What the hell happened?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” she said, a worried look in her eyes.


“I asked you first.” I said, my worried looking fading into a smile.


A small smile alighted on her face as well. “I talked to one of your students who was there when it happened. She said that you were lecturing about something - she didn’t specify as to what - and then suddenly you fell to the floor and started convulsing. She said something about a blue light, some type of energy. McGonagall left about an hour ago, she said she would draw the memory into the Pensieve to see what happened."


“Yeah.” I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. “Let’s-” my head swam. “Let’s go see her.”

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