Chapter 13. Gingersnaps

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Once everyone had left, Harry leaned against the wall. "So do I have to go stand guard outside again, or can I just sit in here, on a chair?"

"Please, sit." I said. "I have to admit, I was a little surprised that they assigned you of all aurors to protect me."

"Yeah, well..." he shrugged. "I kind of asked for the position, actually."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Oh."

"Yeah. You mean a lot to Hermione, and there are a lot of aurors who wouldn't fight too hard to save you if someone did try and kill you." He shrugged again.

"Thanks, then." I said. "Um, I'm not certain I ever really apologized for my treatment of you for, well, the majority of my life. Sorry about that."

"Well, if we're gonna start apologizing for stuff, I'm kinda sorry that I made that snarky comment first year."

"Which one?"

"The one before sorting."

"Ah." I nodded. "Sorry for the circumstances leading up to that. I'd apologize to Weasley, but..."

"I get it, don't worry. I'm still angry at him too."


"Also, sorry for cursing you that one time in the bathroom."

"Oh, yeah. That, um, hurt."


"It's okay. I mean, I deserved it, a bit."


"Can I have one of those?" He pointed to the still mostly full bag of gingersnaps.

"Be my guest." I handed him the bag.

"Thanks." He nibbled on the corner of one. "So how's the life with Hermione?"

"It's... Good." I said. "She's sweet. And really, really intelligent. Scarily smart."

He snorted. "You're telling me."

"We've never really had any major fights." I continued. "So I guess things are just kind of going as they always have."

"Mm." He finished his cookie and reached for another one.

"What about you and...?"

"Ginny." he answered. "Yeah. We're good. Now that she's finished school, she's trying to figure out what she wants to do. She's in a quidditch league for now, seems happy with it."

"Oh, nice."


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