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Timeline set in 2021

"Woohoo! Speed up Jay! Fuck the traffic police!" Sunghoon bellowed excitedly.

"I second that Hoonie!" Ni-ki beamed as he let out a merciless war cry.

Jay glanced at the chaotic duo from his rear view mirror, smirking to himself as his grip on the car wheel tightened. Pushing up his sunglasses that complimented the brim of his nose perfectly, Jay stepped on the accelerator pedal. Causing much of an obstruction, the carefree boys under The House of Yang cried out relentless cheers as they whizzed past the roads of Seoul.

Not long after did they reach a convenient gas station, ending their short moment of careless glory. Both Ni-ki and Sunghoon got out of the car before casting intimidating stares unprovoked at a little girl who was just passing by. This, of course, caused said little girl to burst into tears only for the duo to mock her.

"Ah, you guys are such brats. What happened to being refined men?" Jay commented as he waited for the gas to finish pumping the desired amount.

"Please, you literally went over the speed limit just now!" Ni-ki retorted back, earning a fist bump from Sunghoon.

"Touché Nishimura!"

The trio burst into laughter, unbothered by the snarky stares from passerbys who thought rowdy of the boys. However, their laughter died down the minute another car whizzed into the gas station, already predicting chaos from the golden crest that shone brightly from the side of the vehicle.

The golden crest that represented their sworn enemies from The House of Choi.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Park Duo and their infant!" A voice remarked mockingly.

Ni-ki immediately clutched onto his gun which was safely secured in its holster under his red blazer, his eyes gleaming distaste for their rivals.

"Hold it," Jay muttered sternly before taking a threatening step towards the rival trio.

"Honestly Jay, why carry an infant around with you-"

"Clearly all you do is wake up and choose chaos, Beomgyu," Jay sneered before crossing his arms.

Beomgyu let out an offended scoff before turning around, walking back to his car where his allies, Yeonjun and Hueningkai stood. With a mischievous glimmer in their eyes, Beomgyu swiftly whipped out his gun, pulling the trigger targeted towards Jay's car. The bullet left an evident mark on the car door yet it was enough for the EN- trio to get riled up.

"You're dead asshole!" Jay bellowed before whipping out his gun.

Not hesitating to shoot, the gas station then became a war zone. The allies under both The House of Yang and The House of Choi fired relentlessly at each other while civilians clamoured to get away from the scene safely.

Just like that, Hueningkai managed to successfully shoot Sunghoon's leg, smirking as it fazed the boy. However, Ni-ki was quick to retaliate as he shot Yeonjun's shoulder, calling it somewhat even. Leaving both Beomgyu and Jay, who aimed carelessly shocking everyone that neither got shot.

Glancing at their friends in alarm at the sight of blood, both Beomgyu and Jay halted their feud as they helped their injured friends individually. With the Choi Allies already driving away from the scene, the Yang Allies had yet to start their car as Sunghoon struggled to get in.

"Bloody Chois!" Ni-ki snarled as he jumped behind the car wheel.

"Quickly catch up after them Ni-ki!" Jay shrieked.

As Jay successfully pushed a groaning Sunghoon in the backseat, Ni-ki immediately started driving away despite the absence of a driver's license. Adding on to said absence, he was still a minor. However, it didn't stop the 15 year old to unleash hell as he cut through various lanes, finally catching up to the Choi Allies.

"Attaboy! Drop me off here, I have to finish Choi Beomgyu. Bring Sunghoon back to the manor," Jay spat out before ruffling Ni-ki's hair.

Beaming at his reckless yet necessary, driving skills, Ni-ki nodded cutely before his eyes glinted with mischief again. As soon as Jay slammed the car door shut, Ni-ki immediately zoomed away, making sure to crash the side of the Choi Allies' car.

Due to Ni-ki's obstruction, the black vehicle had crashed into the pole of a streetlight. Jay smirked, internally thanking Ni-ki as he sprinted towards the crashed car. His blood boiling as soon as Choi Beomgyu stepped out of the car, clearly unfazed.

Both Yeonjun and Hueningkai had scrambled out of the car, following Beomgyu's orders as they hailed a cab. Leaving only Beomgyu and Jay to fend for themselves. Well in this case, they were after each other's throats, wishing only death upon each other. Seeing only red, they simultaneously raised their guns with their aim set on each other.

Before Jay or Beomgyu could pull the trigger, the sound of police sirens resonated throughout Gangnam's roads. Oblivious to the amount of chaos they've caused that day, the two rivals lowered their guns but kept their snarky gazes at each other.

"If it isn't the feuding Houses again," a voice boomed over a megaphone.

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