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"That party was no doubt the shittiest one they ever threw!" Ni-ki blabbered non-stop as he kicked off his shoes.

The seven boys plopped their tired bodies onto the cushiony sofas in the common room, complaining about how they got kicked out of the Choi's Annual Halloween Ball despite having Heeseung invited.

Kicked out was an understatement—Jay, Sunghoon and Jake somewhat managed to break the enormous Jade fountain belonging to Chois.

"Ni-ki, you're literally the mastermind behind the reason why we got kicked out," Jake pointed out.

"I highly suggested it! I didn't expect you boomers to actually do it!" Ni-ki chortled in laughter before getting smacked at the back of his head.

"Who are you calling boomers you 5 year old?" Jay sneered, obviously the one who smacked the younger boy.

"We got caught anyways but I doubt they'd do anything! They did invite Heeseung and that technically means they invited us! Hence, we're not at fault. Besides, everyone was drunk and wild," Sunghoon wrapped up their night before Ni-ki could attack Jay.

Their mess was witnessed by none other than Kang Taehyun and Hueningkai, who of course informed one hot-headed Beomgyu. Long story short, they were practically chased out.

As the boys lazily sprawled their tired bodies around the common room, one boy in particular was sitting by the balcony window seats in deep thought. With his eyebrows creased and his cat-like eyes gazing out into the starry abyss, Jungwon wallowed in self-pity after encountering the girl he hadn't seen for 12 years.

The only person who realised a slight shift in Jungwon's persona was his best friend, Heeseung. While pulling a stubborn Jungwon away from the chaos made by the boys in the Choi Manor, he was quick to read the situation between him and Choi Jihyun. From the way he caught him dancing with her to the way they gazed lovingly into each other's eye, Heeseung knew love had sparked between them.

Before Heeseung could approach the melancholy boy, a soft ding! and vibration came from his back pocket, notifying him of a new message. Deeply sighing at the interruption, Heeseung pulled out his phone just as Jungwon was leaving to his spot at the common room.

"I'm heading to bed, goodnight guys," Jungwon greeted, receiving incoherent murmurs back from the dozing boys.

Glancing down at the illuminating phone screen, Heeseung's doe-like eyes widened in surprise as he quickly scurried towards Jungwon's room quietly. The last thing he needed to do was wake up the snoring bunch of teens in the common room.

For Choi Soobin had texted him about something gravely risky to consider yet ultimately important for the future of their feuding Allies.

"Tell me again Heeseung, why does this stupid Manor have a secret underground gateway to Jungwon's room?" Soobin asked for the umpteenth time.

"And the reason why it only leads up to the highest floor of this place? I swear I feel like we're climbing up Rapunzel's tower," Jihyun panted tiredly as she clung onto Heeseung's arm in fear.

After informing Heeseung that they were on their way to the Yang Manor unannounced, Heeseung thought of the only safest way for the Chois to safely get through the tight security; through the underground passageway only known to Jungwon and Heeseung.

And for an attractive pair of siblings, both Soobin and Jihyun weren't blessed with much bravery for they remained talkative throughout their journey to Jungwon's room. From the creepy crawlers lurking around to vines growing on the cracked walls, it was enough to scare the siblings' out of their wits.

With both siblings clinging onto his arms, Heeseung could only bare so much patience for the Choi Siblings as they voyaged up to Jungwon's room through the dark and cobwebbed filled passageway. At the same time, he was entirely grateful that the Chois had raised their children to have open hearts.

"Although the both of you are annoying the shit out of me right now, I'm really glad that even a quarter of us came back together," Heeseung admitted, his genuine voice catching the attention of the siblings.

Smiling softly to themselves in the dark, the trio could only hope that the risk that they were taking would be worth it.

The risk only known between the four individuals, that Jungwon and Jihyun's love would finally bring peace between their families.

finally updated this book <333
expect more chapters to come ;)


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