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Dancing in his warm embrace, Jihyun locked eyes with the mesmerising ones by the Prince-like boy. It was unfortunate that it was still a masquerade ball, his aura holding mystery yet his bright eyes tell.

"I suppose you're Snow White's Prince?" Jihyun remarked back.

"That I am! I suppose Snow White left me just for me to find a captivating girl with Angel wings," Jungwon teased, causing Jihyun to laugh lightly.

"You caught me at the right time then my Prince! You're a better suitor than the man who previously danced with me," Jihyun huffed out.

"I guess I'm a better dancer too huh?" Jungwon wiggled his brows.

The Angel and The Prince chuckled between themselves, feeling such a strong connection between them as they chattered about their current feelings of annoyance about the terrible party. However, it was no doubt that the youthful pair had already fallen in uncertain yet sincere love.

"I guess the man before me is your boyfriend?" Jungwon asked curiously before gracefully spinning Jihyun.

"More like fiancée, I have no interest in him whatsoever!" Jihyun grumbled as Jungwon pulled her closer to him again.

"Well from the looks of it, he doesn't deserve a gem like you. In fact, he committed a heinous crime!" Jungwon exclaimed jokingly.

"And what crime did he commit my Prince?" Jihyun questioned, a bashful grin plastered on her face.

"He stole the diamond of the century that's what," Jungwon giggled before scrunching his nose cutely.

Jihyun scoffed in disbelief, her heart racing despite absolutely loathing such cheesy lines from men. However, she seemed to find comfort in the boy who held her with such gentleness and care. The boy with such an intriguing aura, his brooding and loving gaze behind the mask he wore struck a chord in her heart.

"Whoever you are, you should be honoured that you have successfully captivated a hard-to-get girl like me," Jihyun chuckled as she rested her head against his chest.

"The honour is all mine Angel. However, I would like to get to know you more. Allow me to introduce myself-"

Before Jungwon could finish his sentence, he was suddenly yanked away by his unknown lover. His attention was averted to the person who had pulled him away, the cartoon-like costume deeming it as none other than Lee Heeseung.

"Come on dimple boy! The boys got caught obstructing this damn party! Time to leave this god-forsaken Manor!" Heeseung yelled over the booming music.


As Heeseung pulled Jungwon away from the dance floor, the young heir only resisted as he ushered Heeseung to leave first. However, Jay remained persistent as he pulled Jungwon with him. Likewise, a certain boy in Hufflepuff robes approached his Angel. Noticing his unknown lover's state of shock and displeasure, Jungwon could only feel his heart desperately reach out to her.

Pulling up his mask, Jungwon finally revealed himself in the state of chaos he was in. For he hoped for a miracle that his Angel would find him if he couldn't find her. However, the Hufflepuff boy pulled up his mask, causing Jungwon to furrow his brows in confusion.

"Choi Soobin?"

As his eyes diverted back to his Angel, her face only expressed worry and sadness as soon as she saw the Prince she danced with that night. Pulling up her mask as well did Jungwon finally understand the depressing truth about his unknown lover. It all made sense to the pair of young lovers.

"Y-Yang Jungwon?" Jihyun stammered quietly.

"What did you say Jihyun?" Soobin asked, puzzled at his sister's distressed state.

Jihyun remained staring wordlessly at Jungwon, who had now stopped struggling against Heeseung. Soobin seemed to take notice of what his sister was looking at, his blood suddenly boiling as he realised it was Yang Jungwon.

"Jungwon!" Heeseung yelled stressfully.


Heeseung huffed out in annoyance before looking in the same direction as his cousin, his eyes widened in shock and fury after reading the situation. Soobin had seemed to notice the tension between Jungwon and Jihyun as well, gasping softly after recognising their melancholy gazes.

"That's Choi Jihyun, Jungwon. You haven't seen her for the past 12 years and big news! She's your future rival. Now come on, we have to go!" Heeseung ushered before finally dragging away the smitten heir.

"Choi Jihyun... my future rival..."

Jungwon glanced once more at Jihyun, his eyes only full of new love instead of the hate he was supposed to feel. Likewise, Jihyun clenched her fists in anger, feeling wronged for falling in love with her future rival that night. Soobin narrowed his eyes at Jungwon before glancing at his sister, noticing her shoulders droop tiredly after Jungwon and Heeseung were out of their sight.

There and then, did he realise a sad yet forbidden piece of news: his little sister was in love with Yang Jungwon.

Although Soobin despised The House of Yang, he was not a fool to believe that Jungwon and EN- were bad people. After all, they formed a secret friendship with each other when they were still in high school only for it to be banned by their parents. Previously said, the pent up anger in each of their hearts built up.

As he saw Jihyun unhappily make her way up the Manor's stairs, Soobin felt the need to take a risk with his sister.

The risk being that he would support Jihyun and Jungwon, the risk in helping them see each other again. At this point, there was only person who would be willing to help him.

"Lee Heeseung,"

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