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"What do you mean I can't see him anymore?! I snuck out ONCE Soobin!" Jihyun exclaimed in annoyance.

Slamming her brother's door behind her, Jihyun followed and barged into his room after he had done the same five minutes before. With her brows furrowed and her eyes staring widely at him, Soobin only felt even more annoyed due to his sister's negligence.

"Not even a week in and the both of you are already risking your safety! You even had Taehyun and Hueningkai cover for you when you damn well know they can't keep shit from me," Soobin snarled as he crossed his arms sassily.

"I don't understand?! I can't tell if you support the fact Jungwon is my soulmate or if you're just trying to pry us away from each other just like how our parents did!" Jihyun raised her voice as tears threatened to spill out from her eyes.

"Are you seriously doubting me right now? After all the trouble I went through just so you could see Jungwon after 12 years?!" Soobin retorted back as he felt more frustrated with every passing minute.

"Your rules are unreasonable Soobin! How do you expect us to see each other before dusk or dawn with such limited time?!"

Exhaling a sharp breath, Soobin groaned in frustration as he placed his hands on hips before pacing around in his room. He was just as lost and enraged at the entire situation. If he could, he would let the pair of star-crossed lovers see each other whenever they wanted.

But he couldn't lose his sister again because of a Yang. He almost did when he was 14 and he couldn't afford her to risk her safety again.

"You're not seeing Jungwon anymore and that's final," Soobin said sullenly before turning his back on his sister.

As much as it hurt him to tell her what she didn't want to hear, he had to. However, the young heiress didn't take it too well for she stormed out of his room in frustration. It was 11:30PM and instead of being on her way to the comfort of her lover, Jihyun was locked behind the Manor's doors. Sobbing quietly to herself, Jihyun internally begged The Heavens to set her free from her family's shackles.

She wanted to love freely, she wanted to live honestly. She wanted to experience high school, she wanted to have girl friends and ditch her duties. Unfortunately, she was stripped away from such a normal lifestyle and had everyone order her around. As she continued to sob into her pillow, a soft knocking on her bedroom balcony window caught her by surprise.

With confusion dawning upon her, Jihyun stopped crying as she wiped away her tears. Getting up from her bed, Jihyun made her way towards the sound of knocking on her window. Wiping away the uncontrollable tears that blurred her vision, she was greeted by the face of her soulmate. Turns out, The Heavens did hear her desperate pleas.

Sliding the balcony windows open, Jihyun took a step out before finally being embraced by a pair of strong arms belonging to Yang Jungwon. Her never-ending waterworks stained his dusty-blue hoodie as he continued to hold her tightly, his heart aching at the sound of her pitiful sobs.

"Y-You climbed up?" Jihyun hiccuped as she glanced up at the taller boy.

"Isn't it obvious?" Jungwon chuckled as he wiped away Jihyun's tears. Placing a small kiss on her cheek, Jungwon pressed his forehead against hers.

"Why is everyone against the idea of us?" Jihyun asked softly as she wrapped her arms loosely around Jungwon's neck.

"They're afraid of us, we're too much for them to handle because our love is real," Jungwon sighed as he pulled Jihyun closer.

Standing in each other's embrace, Jihyun continued to sulk tiredly as she rested her head against his broad chest. Her mind wandered around the impossible possibilities that could bring her closer to the boy she loved. She felt sure when she was with him.

The wonders that happened within 3 days made her realise how much of the 'could've been' moments she missed out on with her soulmate. Now that they were of age and that the young heiress was to be wed within two weeks, both Jihyun and Jungwon wished they had more time together.

"I don't want to be here Jungwon, I don't want to be an heiress. I don't want this stupid feud and I especially don't want to be betrothed to Kang Yeosang," Jihyun rambled as she gazed desperately into her soulmate's captivating eyes.

And at that point, Jungwon knew in his heart that it would be worth the trouble—she was worthy of everything. For Yang Jungwon cupped the sides of her face with so much care as if she was the most precious being in the world. With a reassuring smile plastered on his face and tears running down his cheeks, Jungwon bent down as his lips brushed against Jihyun's cheeks.

It was a gentle yet alluring touch that managed to make her feel more than loved. As he glanced between her eyes and lips, Jungwon couldn't help but feel his heart beat out of his chest. For the next few moments would be what benefitted their future.

"Then marry me my Angel," Jungwon whispered softly before finally pressing his lips against hers.

Returning his sweet kiss was enough of an answer to Jungwon's proposal.

However, such wholesome delights have their end as well. For the shadow who witnessed their engagement felt his blood boil at the sight of his sworn enemy. It indeed, is such a pity that he was brought up to despise the Yangs.

"Yang Jungwon, that son of a bitch. How dare you come here again? After what your family did to us, I swear I'll kill you the next time I see you,"

There stood Choi Beomgyu out on his own balcony—Jihyun's cousin whom she thought of as a brother. Someone who holds such sweetness and purity also holds pure anger.

And for Choi Beomgyu, nothing ever ends up pretty when he's angry.

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