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;; A/N :
reference to BLY MANOR's architecture & Tangled's hidden passageway for a visual representation of The Yang Manor.


Staring blankly at the white ceiling above him, Jungwon let out a fatigued exhale as he lay flat against his bed for the first time in a while. Although his mind no longer raced with thoughts about Jangmi, his heart longed for the Angel he slow-danced with that night.

Groaning out in frustration, Jungwon buried his hands in his face before dropping them to his sides. He was more frustrated than worried about the situation. In some way did Jungwon believe in fate and that him and Jihyun were an unlikely match made in Heaven.

If two people were fated to be together, why were there certain situations obstructing it?

As he continued to stare blankly at the same white ceiling, Jungwon hoped that he would come across the girl again. The first time he met Jihyun, they were mere playmates at the age of 6. It was a time where the Yangs, Chois and their Allies bonded so well that they thought nothing could break them apart.

It was only 10 months later that Jungwon realised the playdates stopped and he no longer saw his childhood crush. As he grew older, he and his friends from The House of Choi no longer sat in the same lunch table. It was only when he was 13 that he realised the Chois and Yangs were no longer allies. In fact, the children under The House of Yang and Choi had no idea why such a feud was created.

Nevertheless, they followed their parents' orders and strayed away from each other. The drift between former friends undoubtedly drove a rising disliking for each other. However, the kids were unknowingly victims to the feud.

Jungwon's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the shifting noise occurring in his walk-in closet. Furrowing his brows in confusion, the young heir jumped from his bed before cautiously walking towards the closet. What puzzled him the most was the fact that there were muffled voices behind the closet door despite only having Heeseung know of the secret passageway.

Swinging the closet doors open, Jungwon was greeted by Heeseung and The Choi Siblings. His jaded eyes lit up at the sight of a certain girl with golden brown locks that cascaded flawlessly over her shoulders. Her chestnut coloured orbs gazed into Jungwon's eyes, only filled with so much hope and adoration for the taller boy.

"My angel," Jungwon uttered out softly as he grinned widely. The only thing that mattered was her, not even sparing a glance at Heeseung and Soobin who stood behind her.

"Jungwon, it's been so long," Jihyun smiled softly at the taller boy before engulfing him in a hug.

Everything seemed to fall into place as they held each other in their warm embrace. Their hearts beating against each other's chests as their heartstrings were finally tied together. Over the past centuries, the idea of meeting your soulmate was silly to many.

Yet, fate decided Jungwon and Jihyun's relationship.

"Ahem," a voice fake-coughed, quickly pulling the soulmates' out of their love-bubble.

Pulling away from each other's embrace, Jihyun intertwined her fingers with Jungwon's before facing both Heeseung and Soobin. While Heeseung looked fondly at the pair, Soobin had his arms crossed sassily while his eyes were narrowed directly at Jungwon.

"Before the both of you get all cozied up with each other, we need to establish ground rules," Soobin said sternly as he made his way out of the walk-in closet.

"You are to only meet each other during early mornings and late nights. That means Jihyun is to be brought back home safely by 11AM and 3AM. Jungwon is not allowed to come over to the Choi Manor whatsoever and Jihyun, don't even think of sneaking out in the afternoon," Soobin started as his pouty lips rambled.

"Wait Soobi-"

"Furthermore, you are not to engage with each other in public nor are you allowed to put yourselves in sticky situations. Jungwon, if Jihyun comes home crying or angry, consider your relationship done. Until we can request for a Unification, our lives are at stake. Got that?" Soobin finished as he stared seriously at the pair.

Jihyun raised her eyebrows in shock at her older brother's nagging, never to have seen him as serious as he was then. Sighing in defeat, Jihyun nodded her head in agreement deeming Soobin's rules reasonable. Glancing at Jungwon, she noticed the evident crease formed by his eyebrows as he crossed his arms.

"Elaborate on sticky situations,"

The two dimpled-leaders stared sullenly at each other, unable to get used to being comfortable with each other at that moment. Both knowing they were subtly betraying their own groups for love.

"No consummation-"

"Soobin!" Jihyun shrieked before grabbing a pillow and chucking it at her brother, who had bursted in a fit of chaotic laughter.

Soon afterwards, Heeseung joined in with Soobin as they rolled around on Jungwon's bedroom floor, holding their cramped stomachs tightly as their laughter echoed the private space.

"Of course not. I respect Jihyun and that'll only happen when we get married," Jungwon responded casually.

Soobin's laughter died down in a split second, his eyes now serious before getting up from the carpeted floor. Jihyun and Heeseung stared at the pair of leaders anxiously, the atmosphere tense again.

"As much as I love seeing my sister happy, the idea of the both of you getting married will never happen. So enjoy your time together before her time comes," Soobin muttered out loudly, his tone tinted with honesty.

"Her time?" Jungwon asked with a puzzled expression.

"Unfortunately, Jihyun is to wed Kang Yeosang two months from now,"

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