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Article written by NAMI

It brings me great sadness to write about South Korea's expected future. Knowing both individuals through family friends, it is indeed unfortunate that they are no longer with us here, on Earth. Choi Jihyun was the sister of my confidant, Choi Soobin whereas Yang Jungwon was shockingly her other half with both holding the rarity of an existing soulmate bond.

Unfortunately, the Yangs and Chois had an existing feud that never seemed to ease. Confirmed sources have issued me, the writer, valuable information that evidently discussed true love between Yang Jungwon and Choi Jihyun. It's a pity that their love was unable to save their loved ones from future grief.

"I've been on the Yang-Choi Feud Case ever since Yang Youngchul attempted murder upon Choi Jihyun back in 2014.

While it is not any of the youngsters' faults, both parties were groomed to kill and unnecessarily fight with each other by both Yang Youngchul and Choi Sungho.

Their feud is the only one to blame for their successors' upbringing. I believe it's time both parties bury the hatchet once and for all," says Chief Jeong Jaehyun.

The pair of star-crossed lovers were reported dead at the scene on a Sunday morning, laying in each other's arms in the Choi Vault. While it said that Yang Youngchul murdered Choi Jihyun, the wanted man was rumoured to have flown out of South Korea.

It indeed, takes a great deal of pain for me to write about the lovers' unjustified story. Unfortunately, it is beyond my emotions to bring a happy ending to this article. My condolences to the House of Yang and Choi, may both houses continue to grieve in peace over the loss of their loved ones.

Love is a Universal entity and a common delight most humans on Earth share with one another. Let us continue to not take it for granted as some are unable to peacefully experience such a delight. Both Yang Jungwon and Choi Jihyun have experienced love as a violent delight.

Unfortunately, these violent delights have violent ends.

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