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"J-Jay give me back my sword!" Jihyun cried out as her precious makeshift sword was pried away from her grasp.

Despite her efforts in chasing after the older boy with her little legs, Jihyun eventually tripped over her shoe and fell forward. A loud thud echoed throughout the Manor's lobby floor, indicating it was a hard fall. As Jihyun brushed herself off like the strong girl she is, her 6 year old heart was unable to stand the humiliation she felt.

Eventually, the young girl's lips trembled before she finally burst into tears. Not only was her sword stolen, but the fact that nobody was around to comfort her. As she remained sat atop of the Manor's marbled floors balling her eyes out, an unfamiliar cardboard sword was placed before her.

Wiping away her tears quickly, Jihyun looked up at the young boy standing before her. His cat-like eyes and dimples easily swaying her for she had stopped crying. Sighing impatiently, the young boy gently pulled Jihyun up to her feet before grabbing his cardboard sword.

"Don't cry JiJi, I'll teach Jay a lesson later! Stealing isn't good," Jungwon huffed out as he wiped Jihyun's tear-stained cheeks.

"It's my favourite sword.." Jihyun trailed off sadly as she avoided her friend's gaze.

"You can borrow mine until I get your sword back! Now, stop crying JiJi! You're a strong girl!" Jungwon exclaimed happily as pushed his sword towards Jihyun.

Taking his sword with her small hands, a small smile crept up on Jihyun's face before her youthful glow dawned on her face again. Her tear-stained cheeks now warm and rosy like before.

"Thank you Wonie!" Jihyun bashfully said before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.

Jihyun beamed happily once again before admiring the sword in her tiny hands. Meanwhile, the 6 year old boy seemed to buffer at the moment as heat rose to his cheeks. For he stood in shock after the small yet endearing kiss Jihyun gave him.

The young girl looked back up at Jungwon before extending her hand out for him to take. In that brief moment did a peculiar yet extraordinary occurrence happen between the two 6 year olds. For in that moment when they locked eyes with each other, did their brown orbs glow gold.

Although it was unknown to the 6 year olds who thought it was the trick of the light, The Heavens had bonded their hearts together; their glowing golden eyes as evidence that they were destined. However, a man who witnessed the whole phenomenon felt his blood boil at the sight of their ungodly golden eyes.

Yang Jungwon's father, had finally found a reason to divide the Yangs and Chois. He had despised Chois after the immense success Choi Enterprises achieved over the years. He wanted nothing to do with them besides the fact that he wanted Yang Group to be wealthier and number one in the whole industry.

In order to that, he couldn't bother with his son's soulmate. In fact, he didn't want them to be soulmates at all. To him, Choi Jihyun was in the way of Jungwon's future.

And so during the winter of 2010, The Yangs and Chois ended their alliance bitterly before finally parting ways. It was the last time Jungwon and Jihyun saw each other before they finally grew up. They would sometimes often wonder to themselves what had become of the each other.

Unbeknownst to them that Mister Yang was the reason why their bond was broken.

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