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Sitting quietly in Chief Jeong's car with a million thoughts crossing his fazed mind, Jungwon anxiously anticipated the moment he would see Jihyun. If she was really alive like Chief Jeong promised, he wanted to confirm it. She was out of his reach again and Jungwon couldn't help but feel as though everything was his fault.

With the likes of their ambitious fathers, danger always seemed to come their way. Both Jihyun and Jungwon couldn't predict how much their families knew about them, it was hard to stay discreet. Yet, they didn't have a choice. Besides the fact that their marriage would ease the ageing tension, the pair of star-crossed lovers only wanted to claim what was stripped away from them.

"Can we go now?" Jungwon asked for the umpteenth time as his fidgeted in his seat impatiently.

Looking down at his watch, Chief Jeong sighed as the hands struck 7:15AM. The rain had stopped and for a moment, he felt a glimmer of hope for Jihyun's safety. Yet, his gut feeling told him otherwise. Then again it was an eventful morning and he only blamed it on sleep deprivation.

"You know the way to the vault right?" Chief Jeong asked with uncertainty yet Jungwon only nodded his head.

"It's right below the Manor's garden and through the spiral staircases near the garden shed," Jungwon responded quickly as he swung the car door open.

Nodding head, Chief Jeong ruffled Jungwon's hair before unlocking the door for the young heir. Dashing out the police car without any second thoughts, Jungwon left the Chief in deep thought as the Sun began to peak out of its hiding spot. Leaning his head against the cushioned seat, Jaehyun tiredly fluttered his eyes shut for he hoped to at least nap for a bit.

Sadly, such a luxury was interrupted after 5 minutes; for the sound of rustling leaves and gunshots infiltrated his peace. Cursing under his breath as he looked at the rear view mirror, it was none other than Satan himself. The man in red smirked devilishly at Chief Jeong as he walked past him—a gun twirled in hand as his eyes glinted with malice.

It was now 7:25AM. Chief Jeong Jaehyun only hoped Jungwon made it to Jihyun in time.


Making his way down the ivy covered staircases with an anxious heart, Jungwon only hoped to see Jihyun alive and breathing. If Jungkook's plan was to work, he needed to confirm on his own that his Angel hadn't spread her wings yet.

Once he reached the black metal doors before him, Jungwon swung open the doors without hesitation. His erratic, heavy breathing eased as soon as he saw the unmoving girl laying in an open casket. The grip on his gun loosened while he trudged slowly towards Jihyun. Red roses sprawled messily around the vault's floor while the illuminating candles lit up gloomily down the aisle.

Upon reaching Jihyun, Jungwon couldn't help but burst into tears at the sight of how real everything looked. Her complexion was dull and lifeless, body unmoving as she held a bouquet of white flowers in her hands. Her warms hands were now as cold as ice. Despite all that, the raven-haired boy still found her as ethereal as always.

"Please wake up Ji, please wake up," Jungwon's voice trembled as he stroke his thumb softly against her cheek.

Looking up at the antique clock hung up on the wall, the hands finally struck 7:30AM.

As he looked at his lifeless lover who lay still, the young boy felt hopeless once again. Tears streamed continuously down his face as he eyed the gun he was holding. Stupidly pressing its front against his forehead, the broken-hearted boy let his irrational thoughts get the best of him.

If their time together was short on Earth, would they finally be happy up in The Heavens? To Jungwon, who was undeniably a romantic, finding love was the only thing that kept him going. And in a hopeless place like the Choi Manor, he found love.

Yes, Yang Jungwon was able to admit that he was crazy for having his own gun aimed at his own head. Yes, he was insane for listening to the voice in his head that told him she wouldn't wake up. Love was and is Choi Jihyun yet, she always was out of his reach. Shutting his eyes tight moments before he would pull the trigger on himself, his gun was smacked out of his grasp.

It didn't take long before his trembling body was engulfed tightly in a familiar and warm embrace—the only embrace that could ease the chaos lying within Jungwon. His cries of relief echoed throughout the vault as his tears stained the white, satin material worn by his lover. Although his vision was blurred by his tears, the face of his soulmate remained crystal clear to him.

"Hey love,"

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