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"So I was thinking, are you guys up for a ball tonight?" Heeseung asked out of the blue.

The seven boys were at the Manor's dining hall where they were currently having their late lunch. Instead of requesting their kitchen staff for a nourished meal, the boys settled to cook their own ramen. To the boys, nothing beats the wonders of instant noodles.

"Is it formal or informal? I'm pretty sick of the boring, formal ones," Ni-ki questioned.

"It's a Halloween masquerade ball, you can dress up as anything!" Heeseung retorted back excitedly.

The boys erupted in an excited chatter as they started throwing around costume ideas. While everyone else beamed brightly, Jungwon sat soundlessly as he played with his untouched noodles. His mind wandered towards his unrequited love, Choi Jangmi, who paid no attention to the younger boy.

It came to no surprise that Jangmi was at least 2 years older than the young heir, turning him down whenever they saw each other. For every rose comes a thorny stalk and that was who Jangmi was; she was 'love' to Jungwon yet she hurt him every time.

"Where will the ball be held at?" Sunoo asked curiously.

"Well... TXT invited me. It will be held at The Choi Manor," Heeseung uttered.

Jungwon stopped playing with his food before snapping his head towards Heeseung. His heart suddenly racing with determination before he let out a small smile. The rest of the boys didn't seem to mind the location, knowing very well they would want to cause chaos for the Chois and their Allies at the ball.

"Jangmi just might be there guys!" Jungwon beamed excitedly.

The boys' chatter died down as soon as the loathed name was mentioned by its victim. Jay narrowed his eyes down at Jungwon before jabbing his thumb at his cousin. Although they knew how much Jungwon loved Jangmi, they were far too tired to deal with his moody phases again.

"We are going there for chaos and fun Wonie. Not for that cunning Choi brat. Got it? Now excuse me while I prepare my Snow White outfit! You can be my Prince Florian cousin," Jay nagged sternly before sassily walking away.

"Hey what about us?!" Sunghoon complained.

"Y'all are my Dwarves, take it or leave it Hoonie!"

The boys groaned before complying with the upfront boy, jumping out of their seats excitedly as they went on their way to get ready. However, Jungwon couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness and excitement. It was true that he might come across the girl he loved since they were kids but a fact that she would turn him down again.

As the young heir made his way back to his study room, he wondered when would he ever meet the love of his life. Love made no sense to Jungwon, for his parents always made little to no effort in treating him like their son. All he was to them was Yang Group's heir, a public image.

"Hey Won, you okay?" A voice interrupted Jungwon's pitiful thoughts.

Glancing up from the floor, Jungwon was greeted by Heeseung; a brother figure to him for half of his 18 years. Smiling warmly, Heeseung swung an arm around Jungwon's broad shoulders comfortingly.

"I've been better Heeseung," Jungwon uttered.

"That girl doesn't deserve your time and energy you know," Heeseung remarked as he walked Jungwon to his study.

Nodding his head curtly, Jungwon knew Heeseung was right. Likewise, Heeseung knew that Jungwon would listen to him or at the very least, consider his advice.

"Try to have fun tonight Jungwon before you start getting swarmed with duties and responsibilities. Okay? Make tonight an ode to yourself," Heeseung finally said before patting Jungwon's back.

Finally returning his infamous smiles, Jungwon complied with Heeseung's words. Internally thanking the older boy, Jungwon closed the door to his study behind before heaving a heavy sigh. Looking at the pile of paperwork on his table, Jungwon smirked to himself before turning off his study lamp.

"Tonight, I make an ode to myself,"

JUNGWON | Calamity! ✓Where stories live. Discover now