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Please read
Chapters Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six & Twenty-Seven thoroughly


Holding out a small glass vial in front of her, both Jungkook and Jihyun stared at the glowing blue liquid inside. One was hesitant while the other was eagerly awaiting to die. However, the young apothecary gave up before easily pushing the small glass vial into Jihyun's smaller hands. His mind wandered about the plan he had in mind in order finally set Jungwon and Jihyun free.

"Before you drink that, you must know that that little vial doesn't kill you. However, you'll be put into a deep sleep for 12 hours. I assume your family still sticks to tradition correct?" Jungkook thought aloud causing Jihyun to halt her next actions.

"What do you mean?" Jihyun asked in confusion as she closed the vial of liquid.

"We're faking your death dummy. Your family seems to like throwing funerals first before examining the cause of death huh?" Jungkook chortled as he faced a shocked Jihyun.

"Yea, Beomgyu was recently transferred out of the Choi Vaultwhat are you trying to say Jungkook?" Jihyun asked, clearly exasperated at his vagueness.

7:28PM. Jungkook glanced up from his watch before looking urgently at Jihyun, his doe-eyes expressing reassurance and empathy as he popped open the small cork from the vial. Right after Jihyun drinks the blue contents from the vial, she would be reported dead due to sudden heart failure.

In this case however, Jihyun would only appear dead and reported by Jeon Jungkook who was considered a doctor in the underworld. As per tradition, Jihyun's body will lay to rest in the Choi Vault for a day of mourning. By 7:30AM will Jungwon be reunited with his undead lover before fleeing safely to Canada.

"I'll get the message to Jungwon through Chief Jeong. Don't worry, he's safe now. You'll see him tomorrow okay?" Jungkook reassured before checking his watch again.

It was 7:30PM.

"Sleep tight Ji,"

Smiling thankfully at Jungkook, Jihyun tilted her head back before gulping down the small dose of the blue liquid. Feeling her eyelids grow heavy, Jihyun took a final moment to only hope for the best—that she would wake up  in the arms for Yang Jungwon and travel to their destined place.

Feeling her eyelids grow heavy, Jihyun's eyes fluttered shut before taking her last breath—her fate now rested upon The Heavens itself.



"Look Jungwon, I know you're feeling all jittery right now but I promise you, I can cook!" Chief Jeong Jaehyun beamed happily.

Looking up the Chief of the Police up and down, Jungwon only covered his face in sheer embarrassment before snatching away the ladle from the taller man's grip. It was unfortunate to say that neither Jungwon nor Chief Jeong knew of Jihyun's "death", seeing that both men were desperately trying to cook pasta.

"I don't understand why I have to stay the night at the Chief Police Officer's home," Jungwon thought aloud as he mindlessly stirred the pot of tomato sauce.

"You're still undergoing investigation and I couldn't bare seeing you sleep in a cell," Jaehyun snorted only to be flicked on his forehead.

"I'd rather sleep in a cell for my crimes than eat pasta with onion picked up from the floor with your TOES," Jungwon ranted dryly but laughed at the mention of the Chief's habit.

Blushing from embarrassment, Jaehyun snatched the ladle back before pointing towards the living room sassily. Truth be told, neither men knew better than to joke around seeing that they were close to Jeon Jungkook. As they laughed their worries away over pasta did they overestimate the entire plan completely.

From the numerous missed calls from Jeon Jungkook that night, both Jungwon and Jaehyun lay snoring while sprawled against the cushiony sofas. Unbeknownst to them, especially to Jungwon about the execution of such a complex plan.

That Choi Jihyun was reported dead on a Saturday night, 7:35PM and was currently moved to the Choi Vault. Surely, they would get the message by soon—unfortunately, that was not the case in this story. The moment both men woke up from their slumber it was already an early Sunday morning.

To Yang Jungwon, it seemed to be the happiest Sunday of his life. Waking up and finally feeling a sense of relief from the shackles of his very own family name. No duties at bay and certainly no other fear in mind. That morning however at 5:30AM, was not the case the moment both individuals checked their phones.

One receiving a message stating that Jihyun was alive and well while the other stated that the young heiress, had unfortunately passed away.

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