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"I'll see you later?" Jihyun softly asked Jungwon, her head nuzzled against his chest.

It was safe to say that the pair of star-crossed lovers were officially wed that day, allowing Soobin, Hueningkai and Jay to finally ally with each other. Although it was still kept a secret from their family and friends, Jihyun and Jungwon decided to flee abroad and set up a new business together. With their immense wealth and knowledgeable intelligence, the pair didn't seem to need their parents' approvals anymore.

"Are you really set on Canada, Angel?" Jungwon asked earnestly before looking down to face Jihyun.

"I am love. How about you?" Jihyun retorted back anxiously, nibbling down on her bottom lip as she anticipated his response.

Grinning down at her with his ever so prominent dimples, Jungwon leaned forward before placing a soft kiss on her nose. Scrunching it cutely in response, Jihyun stood on her tippy toes just to kiss his lips briefly. The pair gazed into each other's eyes longingly, not wanting to waste any moment together in case something were to happen.

"I'm set on any place in the world as long as I have you by my side Ji,"

"You're a grade A simp! Look at you getting married before me!" Jay teased as he drove past the gates to Yang Manor.

Smiling sheepishly to himself, Jungwon nodded his head shamelessly before admiring the ambience of the weather that day. The Sun shone down just enough to warm his shivering body while the trees around busked in the cold wind. Jungwon was finally at ease—Jihyun was the reason why he felt at ease. His heart fluttered at the thought of the brunette girl, unable to stand how complete she made him feel.

However, his entire mood shifted as soon as he noticed 4 figures fighting rather roughly at the front doors of the Manor. Glancing at Jay with panic, the older boy quickly parked his car in front of the Manor. Quickly getting out, both Jay and Jungwon sprinted towards the chaotic scene, soon realising it was Jake and Heeseung against the Choi Allies.

While Jay managed to pry Yeonjun and Jake away from each other, Jungwon realised he was dealing with his best friend and his wife's cousin. Noticing that both individuals were armed and skilled in combat, Jungwon couldn't help but feel conflicted.

"Guys come on, stop fighting!" Jungwon exclaimed worriedly as he pushed Heeseung and Beomgyu away from each other.

Widening his eyes in sheer happiness, Beomgyu immediately aimed his gun at Jungwon instead of Heeseung. His hands shaking as the veins in his neck popped out, Beomgyu's eyes expressed pure hatred for everyone at the site. Looking up and down at Jungwon's tux, Beomgyu realised he was far too late.

"You bastard," Beomgyu uttered angrily as he clutched tighter into his gun.

"Beomgyu, please put it down," Jungwon breathed heavily as he pushed Heeseung behind him.

"Jungwon the fuck are you doing?!" Heeseung gritted out as he tried pulling his best friend back.

As much as he understood Beomgyu's hatred towards him, he was in a position where he had to consider both sides. He couldn't risk Heeseung getting hurt yet he couldn't retaliate against Beomgyu. It would only hurt Jihyun.

"Beomgyu, please," Jungwon asked with a shaky breath as he stepped closer towards Beomgyu.

"All your family ever did was bring despair upon us Chois when all we ever did was be good to you lot! You don't deserve to take Jihyun, you don't deserve to be happy Jungwon!" Beomgyu screamed as he pulled the hammer of his gun down.

While everyone at the scene pleaded Beomgyu to calm himself down, Jungwon could only empathise with the boy. Noticing the stream of tears rolling down Beomgyu's face, Jungwon couldn't even fathom the amount of pain his father brought upon the Chois. Giving up his pride, Jungwon got down on his knees before glancing up at Beomgyu sadly.

"I'm sorry Beomgyu. I'm so sorry, I promise I'll clean up after my father's mistakes but please know I truly love Jihyun," Jungwon admitted, causing everyone else to stare in shock.

It was an unusual sight to see a Yang beg for forgiveness from a Choi—unusual only to those who had no clue that the heir and heiress from respective families were already married. As Jungwon looked down in shame, Beomgyu felt as though he could trust him for once. However, his stubbornness prevailed despite his momentary empathy.

Upon the death of his own father caused by Yang Youngchul and his harsh upbringing by his Uncle Choi, Beomgyu vowed to his 13 year old self that he would never forgive either of them.

"I'm sorry Jungwon, but no one will be able to mend my broken past," Beomgyu seethed out before pressing his finger against the trigger.


"See you in Hell Jungwon," Beomgyu cried, his inner demons getting the best of him as his bloodshot eyes gazed into Jungwon's.

"Jungwon you idiot!" A voice called out from behind him before pushing the young heir away.

As soon as Beomgyu pulled the trigger, the booming sound of a gunshot resounded throughout the Manor's front. The ringing sound from the gunshot filled Jungwon's ears as he was pushed down harshly to the ground.
Beomgyu shakily dropped his gun to the floor, causing another gunshot to resonate.

Yeonjun who hated to see Beomgyu in such a state, pulled the frantic boy away from the Yang Manor's grounds. While everything happened too fast for Jungwon to process, his heart only broke at the sight of the boy bleeding out inches away from him.

Frantically sobbing his heart out, Jungwon crawled towards the boy as he begged him to stay alive. Looking up at his friends for help, they only stood in shock as tears escaped their soulless eyes. Gripping onto the green material tightly, Jungwon begged The Heavens to spare the dying body before him. With tears springing out from the suffering boy, he smiled crazily at the lilac skies above him.

"Save your tears for the day both your Houses suffer," the young boy choked out with his final breath before his hand fell limp against Jungwon's.

Laying lifeless on the Manor grounds after saving Jungwon from Choi Beomgyu's calamity, was none other than Lee Heeseung; his soul now belonged to The Heavens.

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