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"Beomgyu's gone and so is Heeseung," Soobin uttered painfully as he sat across his sister.

"And Jungwon?" Jihyun asked in a small voice, hoping that her soulmate was at least safe.

"He's missing," Soobin responded coldly, unable to express his frustration about the dark situation.

Hearing the dreadful news, Jihyun couldn't help but feel conflicted. Along with her grief for her cousin did Jihyun also feel sorry towards her soulmate and his friends. Two very important lives were taken that day and it was all because of her. She figured out soon from Soobin that Beomgyu had knew of her relationship with Jungwon all along.

"I'm sorry Jihyun, I can't help you anymore," Soobin said rather harshly.

However, the young heiress nodded understandingly before reaching out for her brother's hand. Squeezing it tightly, Jihyun softly smiled at her brother despite the evident pained expression in her eyes. She didn't want Soobin to get hurt or to involve himself in her dangerous acts anymore. It was only right to let him go after all he's done for her.

Standing up from her the side of her bed, Soobin placed a kiss on his sister's forehead before leaving her bedroom. As much as he wanted to support her at a sensitive time, Soobin had a hard time dealing with loss especially if it was someone close to his heart.

Lying back on her bed, Jihyun allowed her tears to roll off the sides of her face as she glanced up at the blank ceiling. She felt shameful and responsible for being the reason why Beomgyu went after Jungwon. She should've known better that Beomgyu had suffered a painful past because of Yang Youngchul. Yet, she fell in love with his son.

"Jungwon isn't like his father is he? He wouldn't hurt me right?" Jihyun thought to herself, feeling horrible for doubting her soulmate.

Now that she was left to defend herself, Jihyun could think of only one person that would willingly help her; she hoped that he would.

Burying herself in her blankets, Choi Jihyun only felt unsettled that night. She wanted to see the boy she loved, the boy she was separated from—she wanted Jungwon to tell her that he didn't mean to kill her loved one and to only live happily with her. With Beomgyu's absence dawning upon her, she only prayed that she didn't make a mistake in falling for a Yang.



"She's looking for you,"

Looking up from his prayer position, Jungwon meekly opened his eyes before coming face-to-face with Park Jeongseong. Although the older boy's eyes held worry, the rest of him held firmness. Closing his eyes again, Jungwon quickly ended his prayer before getting up from his knees to face his cousin.

"I've done an awful thing Jay and I have to get out of this country by today. I can't drag Jihyun down with me," Jungwon muttered but was only slapped across the face by the older boy.

Holding his cheek which stung painfully, Jungwon narrowed his eyes at the enraged boy before him. About to throw a punch at him, Jay grasped tightly onto Jungwon's wrist in time before the young heir could do so.

"Wake the fuck up Jungwon! Can't you see that she needs you? She's worried that you'll be thrown in jail-"

"I should be in jail Jay! I killed them both, they died because of my selfishness," Jungwon cried out as his hands trembled in Jay's grasp.

In all honesty, Yang Jungwon felt as though that he no longer deserved Jihyun. What he did was a treacherous sin and he couldn't face the only person who could bring comfort to him. He felt like a dirtbag for committing a murder that was intended. That he, Yang Jungwon, lost control of his emotions and shot Choi Beomgyu.

"But she needs you Won," Jay softly responded, seeing that he couldn't approach the young heir's vulnerable and triggered state harshly.

"Tell her to stay away from me. Please Jay," Jungwon begged as he clutched tightly onto Jay's arms.

"I fear that I'll end up like Dad. She's not safe with me Jay, please tell her to stay away," Jungwon cried even more as he painfully expressed words he didn't mean.

Staring wide-eyed at his cousin, Jay knew Jungwon didn't mean any of it. He knew Jungwon wouldn't trade his soulmate for anything else, especially not after what their parents put them through. Before Jay could respond, a smaller figure had stepped in between the two gentlemen. Jungwon's ordeal now over as soon as he locked eyes with the girl he desperately tried to avoid.

Yet, the golden swirls in her honey brown eyes brought him back to his senses and Jungwon felt comforted once again. Looking at Jungwon with her teary eyes, Jihyun ran into his arms before finally breaking down.

"Jungwon, you fucking idiot,"

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