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Time stamps are important :D



—Saturday, 6:50PM

Arriving home with a content heart, Jihyun entered her home with a gleeful smile. Tomorrow was the day when she would finally be free after 12 years of secrets and stressful torment—where she could finally love because she was so well-loved by Jungwon. However, her smile dropped as soon as she came face-to-face with Kang Yeosang and her father. Both who seemed to seek her arrival.

"Ah! Darling, we have some very good news to share," Mister Choi announced merrily despite the ill-intent behind his euphoric persona.

"What is it?" Jihyun asked slowly as she read the room.

Creasing her brows together, Jihyun took a step back as she noticed the guilty expression on Yeosang's face. Mouthing an apology, Jihyun felt her world come crashing down once again. Looking at her father with a distraughtly, Jihyun absolutely despised the next few words that came out from her father's vulgar mouth.

"You're marrying Yeosang tomorrow! Isn't that wonderful?" Mister Choi exclaimed masochistically, his once, fatherly love now turned into personal vengeance .

"Father, I already said no," Jihyun uttered out angrily as she ushered gestured Yeosang to leave.

Thankfully, the young man complied for he didn't want to risk losing his friendship with Jihyun. After all, he knew better than interfere with an unavailable woman. As he left the Manor with fear that Jihyun would get hurt, the unspoken fear has already happened. With anger raging throughout his entire being once again, Mister Choi didn't hesitate to strike Jihyun across her face.

This time, Soobin wasn't there to save her. Jihyun was left to fend for herself against an abusive father—someone who used to be so loving and kind became someone so vulgar and greedy. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she took in every word and syllable he said, her heart continuously breaking again.

"You're not my daughter," Mister Choi snarled as he slapped her across her cheek again, causing her to lose balance and fall back.

"I-I don't love him Dad-"

"It's better than marrying Yang Jungwon!" Mister Choi bellowed before crouching down to his fallen daughter.

Gripping tightly onto her shoulders, the older man's bloodshot eyes stared frantically into his daughter's. As Jihyun looked up at her father, she was afraid that one day her dad would lose his soft and brooding eyes. Unfortunately, that day had come and Jihyun no longer felt love. Instead, bruised cheeks and aching shoulders was what she was felt instead.

"D-Dad please," Jihyun begged as she got on her knees, praying to God that her own father would have mercy on her tired heart.

Instead, the man only laughed before standing up from his crouched position. With his hands shoved in his tailor-made pants and a mocking snarl plastered on his face, Mister Choi truly held no more mercy. Not even for his kids.

"You are to marry Yeosang tomorrow. Failure to cooperate and you'll see yourself a homeless child on the streets," Mister Choi uttered out before leaving his sobbing daughter on the polished floors.

As Jihyun looked around the Manor for a blessing did she lock eyes with her mother. Holding a glass of gin, her mother simply turned away despite her pained expression. Jihyun cried even more, knowing that her very own family had left her alone at the mercy of their greed. Allowing her legs to stand her up, the brunette ran out of the Manor's grounds and back to her only home.

She prayed and hoped he was still there for if he wasn't, Jihyun just might lose her mind.



"Jungwon?" Jihyun called out in between sobs yet was only responded to by the echoing tunes of the organ.

Bursting through the Cathedral's door, Jihyun sprinted down the aisle as she desperately tried to find for her lover. Yet, the few figures seated at the pews didn't match Jungwon's. With tears spilling out of her eyes again, Jihyun's mind wandered everywhere as she thought of the many unhappy possibilities of her future. She wanted her firsts to be with Jungwon and Jungwon only.

He was the only one who brought her love and joy. Even if the Universe didn't settle for them as soulmates, she just knew that they'd end up together one way or another. Her tired body soon crumbled to the floor again as her legs gave up on her. Jungwon was nowhere to be found and Jihyun feared that time wasn't on their side.

"Jihyun?" A voice chirped causing the young girl's head to snap up, in hopes it was Jungwon.

However, it only turned out to be a certain young priest holding his folded robes and of course, The Holy Bible. Despite the godly aura surrounding him, his tattooed arms disrupted his whole persona yet didn't change the look of genuine worry on his face. As Jihyun looked up pitifully at him, she only cried harder once she was helped up to her feet.

"Please Jungkook, please kill me. I can't live this life anymore. The only person who makes everything worth living for is Jungwon yet, everyone conspires against the idea of us," Jihyun cried out as she clutched tightly onto herself.

As Jungkook observed Jihyun's distressed state, he was only reminded of the reason he was surrounded by death. Seeing that he was an apothecary as well, countless lives begged him to show them mercy—by putting them in a peaceful and endless slumber. One that did not hurt, one that stopped the hurt.

The moment Jihyun looked at Jungkook, the young man already knew what she sought.

"Don't be ridiculous Jihyun, you can't expect me to kill you," Jungkook sputtered out in disbelief.

She lost again. She lost her family, literally and figuratively. She lost her freedom and now, she was losing her soulmate again.

Grabbing his hands roughly, Jihyun squeezed her eyes shut as she allowed her tears to fall. Everything that month overwhelmed her and she was by far, done with the idea of living. After meeting Jungwon, she realised living was with him. Yet, she was to wed Yeosang the following day.

"Please Jungkook, please,"

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