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                                                                            YOUR IN Gryffindor

                                                                            YOUR IN 5th YEAR

You walk on the train to find the golden trio. While your looking for them you bump into someone. It's Malfoy...

"Watch where your going Weasley" 

"Shut it Malfoy" 

"My father will here about this"

"I couldn't care less Malfoy"

"Y/n" someone said sweetly. It was Hermione.

"HERMIONE" you shout whilst running towards her. When you reach her you give her a hug and she pulls you in tightly and you feel yourself start to blush. You never want to let go of her but you know you have to.

"Where's Ron and Harry as soon as they ran through the wall they disappeared and left me and the others" you asked her.

"Oh typical of them, follow me and I will show you." 

You followed her to where they were all sat.

"Hey, thanks for abandoning me. The twins pranked me on the way here because you left"

"Sorry y/n, we left because we didn't want to get pranked "Ron said as you sat down next to Hermione.

"It's fine honestly you know how dramatic I am we live in a house together"

"True you are dramatic sometimes y/n" 

Just as Ron finishes speaking you feel something brush up against your leg...Its Crookshanks. You pick him up and stroke him but just then he jumps out of your arms and lays down on the floor and falls asleep.

You yawn because you only got 30 minuets sleep last night so you lay you head on Hermione's shoulder and put your arms around her waist hugging her causing Hermione to blush heavily. You fall asleep after 10 minuets.

"ohhhhhh someone has a crush on my sister" Ron whispered so he didn't wake you up

"oh shut it Ronald, Harry are you ok you've been awfully quiet"

"Ye just tired couldn't sleep last night"

"Well have a nap we arn't at Hogwarts for another 1 hour" Hermione said

After 10 minuets every one had fallen asleep.

After 1 hour Nevile woke you all up since you were at the platform. You wake up in the same position you went to sleep just this time Hermione had her arms wrapped around you waist as well.

"NEVILE" you shout causing Hermione to jump and wake up.

"Sorry Hermione"

"Don't worry"

"Come on we share a dorm Mione so we can pack away and then chill for a bit"


You all get off of the train and head to the Great Hall for the feast and Dumbledore's speech.

The sorting and speech finished and the feast had just began

"RON do u have manners stop eating like a wild animal!!!!" you shout at him causing Hermione and Harry to laugh.

"Ok jeez calm down" he replied  embarrassed we shouted at him

"Y/n" you heard a familiar voice say

"GINNY" you do your twin handshake and everyone looks at you both confused in what just happened because no one knew you had a handshake.

"Anyway Mione you coming to re-organize our dorm?"

"Sure bye everyone see you later"

"Byeeeee" everyone replied with

You and Hermione made it to the dorm and decorated and packed away. There was only one bed in a 2 person dorm.

"Mione there's only one bed"

" Oh ye don't worry I will sleep on the sofa"

"No Hermione I'm not letting you do that if your okay with it why don't we just share the bed?"


You put fresh fluffy bedding on and added a red with gold pattern striped blanket on the end. By the time you had finished it was time for dinner so you and Hermione made your way to the great hall to meet the others.

"Heyyyyy" you both said

"When does dinner start Harry"

"Five minuets"

Five minuets later dinner began. You all finished eating and headed back to your dorms to relax.

 "Wanna watch a film Y/n" Hermione asked hoping you would say yes

"Is that even a question of course I do but only if we can watch kissing booth 1 and 2"



To be continued...

Secret Crush  Hermione Granger x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now