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(this contains dirty jokes)

You were on your way back form The Three Broomsticks and Hermione was very very drunk

"Can tell you a joke" she asked you

"Ye" you asked scared of what she was going to say

"What does the receptionist at a sperm bank say as clients leave? Thanks for coming!"


"Sorry Y/n"

All of a sudden she kisses you and you kiss her back. The boys just stand there shocked.

You had your hands on her waist and her hands were around your neck.

The kiss was soft and passionate.

You both pulled away from the kiss and Hermione just smiled at you and then looked at the boys since you were

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You both pulled away from the kiss and Hermione just smiled at you and then looked at the boys since you were

"Oh pick up your chins boys it's not the first time it's happened" Hermione said slurring from how drunk she was

"Ok that's enough chit chat for today lets get you to bed" You quickly said so the subject would change from you two kissing

You walked her up to the dorm room and both put on these pj's

You put her in bed and put the covers over her and started to walk out the dorm

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You put her in bed and put the covers over her and started to walk out the dorm

"Hey where are you going" Mione asked in a baby voice"

"To get you some headache tablets, water and some food with sugar in for when you wakeup because your going to be hungover as heck"

"Can I at least have a kiss before you go"

"Mione were not even dating"

"So please just one kiss"

"Fine" You said giving in to how cute she looked

You pulled away and went to the hospital wing to get what you needed

You got what you needed with a bit of persuasion since you forgot some money for the water since it was from the hospital and not the hall but they didn't make you pay after you told them you would pay them as soon as you got the money

Secret Crush  Hermione Granger x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now