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This is currently your baby bump and you only have one more week of school till you can stop going to lessons and doing it in your dorm.

You wake up and put on you robes, mascara and lip gloss, shoes and clothes on.

You wake up and put on you robes, mascara and lip gloss, shoes and clothes on

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Your lessons today were 

Potions with Snape-  7:30 am - 8:00 am

DADA with Lupin-  8:10 am - 9:00 am

Free lesson -  9:00 am - 10:00 am

Transfiguration with Mcgonagall- 10:10 am - 11:00 am

 flying practice with Hooch- 11:10 am - 12:00am (which you couldn't do because of the baby so you sat and watched)

It was 7:10 am and you were walking with Hermione to Potions when you felt a sharp pain across your stomach which made you lean against the wall.

Hermione noticed and quickly came over to you and sat you on the floor.

"Are you ok Y/n"

"Ye just a slight pain from the baby... come on were gonna be late"

You stood up and continued walking with Hermione and when you arrived you both sat down and Ron and Harry sat across from you but were only talking to Hermione and whenever you tried to talk to Ron and Harry they would ignore you and just give you dirty looks

"What did I do" you ask a bit upset that there ignoring you 

"You know what you did" Ron says

"No I don't but I know I would like it if you would both talk to me" 

"After you lied to us about Draco sexually assaulting you when it was actually you begging for it and then telling everyone a lie so you would get sympathy" Harry said sounding annoyed

"What no I didn't I wouldn't lie about that... Wow I thought you would both trust me... who even told you that" you say about to cry that your bff and BROTHER don't trust you 

"Draco did" they say 

"Wow and you trust fucking ferret boy over me your sister and your best friend I thought you both said you were going to be there for me no matter what you can even use truth sirum on me to find out the truth I don't have anything to hide about what happened were in a potion class after all go on get one do it if you don't trust me well enough after knowing me since Hogwarts Harry and since I was born Ron"

They grabbed a truth potion since class didn't start for another 10 minuets so you had plenty of time.

You drank the potion and just waited to be asked 

"Y/n what happend the night you got pregnant what did Draco say and suposedly do" Harry asked

"He said "Body, let me see your body Take off all your makeup and your clothes Trust me, why don't you just trust me? You're the only beauty, show me more You're not a dime a dozen Oh, your skin is golden Let me show the whole damn world You're one in a billion The only thing you're missing Is some tape over that mouth" and then it happened" 

After an couple seconds you snapped out of the potions effects and started to stare at the boys waiting for there response

" Omg were so so so so so so so sorry Y/n we didn't kno-

"No you both knew full well what happened when she told you" Hermione said in an Angry sort of whisper 

"Ye so why don't you both shut up and run along to Draco see if he has any more lies to tell you both see if you both fall for them again you pair of fucking idiots honestly would would of thought you would trust me over that ferret with an elsa barbie looking dad who he has daddy isues with like "my farther will here about this up my arse" I couldn't give two fucks about what he thinks so go on run along" you whisper shout in an angry tone 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i arnt gonna put the info since its 1:00am and im tired night love you all thank you for 482 reads that is crazy i love you all thanks for reading this chapter xxx

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