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Potions had just finished and you were on your way to DADA with Hermione 

The entire lesson Harry and Ron were trying to apologize which got them a detention when Snape caught them

You were in the classroom when a cupboard with a mirror on it and gold handles started shaking 

"Intriguing isn't it... would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside" Lupin said making you wonder what it could possibly be 

"That's a boggart sir" some random boy in your class said 

"Very good" Lupin said sounding impressed 

The cupboard made another sudden movement making everyone except Lupin jump as if he new it was coming

"Now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like" He asked again

"No one knows" Hermione said scaring Ron 

"When she get here" he asked you

You just ignored him A-because you were still pissed of at him B-you were trying to pay attention and C-you were the only person who knew about the time turner which made you feel special in a way

"Boggarts a shape shifters they take the shape of whatever particular person fears the most that's what makes them so- " she was cut off by Lupin

"So terrifying yes yes yes... luckily  a very simple charm exist to repel a boggart-

the cupboard shook again

"Lets practice it now.. ah without wands please after me ridiculous" He continued 

"Ridiculous" The whole class said except Malfoy and his minions 

"Very good"

The cupboard did it again 

"A little louder and very clear listen Ridiculous"

You all did it again but still Malfoy and his goons didn't

"This class is ridiculous" Malfoy stated clearly trying to cause an issue so he can just use the excuse my father will hear about this 

"Very good well so much for the easy part see the incantaion alone is not enough what really finish's a boggart is laughter you need to force it to assume the shape you find truly amusing let me explain errr Neville will you join me please"

He looked around as if there was someone else called Neville in the class clearly scared to go up in front of everyone 

"Come on don't be shy come on"

He started walking up to the front 

"Neville what frightens you most of all"

He mumbled something no one could hear not even Lupin  

"Pardon" Lupin asked sounding polite 

"Professor Snape"

Every one started laughing but not in a rude way more of like a yes I agree with you he is scary

"Professor Snape yes frightens us all and I believe you live with your grandmother"

"Y-yes but I don't want that boggart turn into her either" Neville said confused in why Lupin brought this up

"No... it wont I just want you to picture her clothes only her clothes very clearly in your mind"

"She carries a red handbag-"

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