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TW(trigger warning)

mention of rape,cutting and self harm,swearing

You and Hermione had just woken up and were getting ready for Potions with Snape.

You were walking alone until someone pulled you into an empty classroom 

You had no idea who it is because they grabbed you from behind until they say "muffliato"

It was Draco your ex he never wanted anything bur trouble 

"Y/n I'm sorry for cheating it was a mistake your who I wanna be with so what I'm trying to say is Y/n Y/l/n will you please take me back"

"I'm a Lesbian and you had your chance Draco and you blew it so piss off"

You tried to leave but he grabbed your wrist and before you could say hi there was a sharp sting on your cheek

He hit you 

Your eyes started to fill with tears and you could a lump in your throat 



He pushed you on one of the tables locked the door and started to undress 

You started to cry knowing what was about to happen but before you could run away he was on top of you and was too heavy for you to lift off.

There was nothing you could do

After 10 minuets it was over 

You were in shock one minuet he was so sweet wanting to be your boyfriend the next on top of you raping you

He left without another word 

You left for second period Charms 

You were 2 minuets away from the classroom but quickly turned around and ran to the common room and up to your dorm

You ran to the bathroom and slid down the back of it crying 

You were having a panic attack 

You stood up and walked to sit on the toilet seat lid so you wasn't sat on the floor 

Just then Hermione walked in the room and heard you in the bathroom and saw you having a panic attack 

She ran over and knelt down in front of you

"Its ok Y/n I'm here ok breathe with me in,out,in,out ok now what colours the wall"


"Yes ok count your fingers with me"

"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"you both counted 

Your breathing returned to normal and your panic attack stopped 

"Thanks Mione"

"Don't worry I will tell the teachers you are not well Professor Flitwick sent me to look for you"

"Okay thanks"

She left and went back to lesson 

You started to cry again but then you saw a razor 

Without thinking you started cutting

It hurt but it was like a releaving sensation through your arm


It had been a week and your confident self turned into a shy girl

You use to wear tank tops and tight jeans or short shorts 

but now you wore baggy joggers to cover how skinny you were from hardly eating and a jumper to cover you cuts

You started wearing more makeup to cover up how pale you were and you never left your dorm so Hermione had to start delivering your work to the dorm and helping you on homework that was due and then taking all the stuff to the teacher

Your friends were starting to get worried and so were the teachers but you just told them it helped you focus so they just let you do you


Hermione started to bring you food and sat with you so she knew you were eating  

She went to the bathroom and saw a knife and razor covered in blood

"y/n show me you wrists"

"Why Mione"

She got hold of your wrists gently and pulled back the jumper trying not to hurt you

She saw all the cuts and started to cry 

"Hermione I'm sor-"

"Don't apollogise just can you maybe tell me why you started cutting so I can help you"

"Errr.. well the day you walked in on me having a panic attack was the first day I didn't go to all my classes and well I was on my way to first period when someone dragged me into an empty classroom and put a silencing spell on it when I looked  to see who it was it turned out it was Malfoy he asked me to be his girlfriend I proceded to tell him to piss off and fuck off and that I was a lesbian but he got mad and he slapped me (you showed her the bruise you covered up with make-up) and then he locked the door and before i knew he was on top of me and I couldn't do anything about it I just had to let him rape me because my wand was on the floor and he was too strong for me to move him"

At this point you were breaking down crying and Harry and Ron had been stud outside the door and heard everything when you finished speaking Ron burst through the door and just held you tight whilst you cried

"Why didn't you tell me sis"Ron said whilst crying 

"I don't know"


You were taken to  Madam Pomfrey to get your wounds sealed and to make sure you were not pregnant because you had been felling very sick and had all the symptoms


"Y/n dear your pregnant"

no no no no no no no no no no no no this can't be happening 

You ran out crying and you saw Ginny in the common room and just ran to her crying 

She comforted you until you were able to say


"Woah woah woah how you lesbian"

"H-h he raped me"



song-drivers licence-Olivia Rodrigo

Word count-927

entire story word count-2843

Sorry I wasn't posting much been busy

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