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Hermiones pov-

It has been a week and I've made so many good memories with y/n so I think I'm prepared to ask her

I have asked-










all to help me 

Harry will be stood at Dumbledore's office with the first clue since Dumbledore wanted to help so I said he can lead her to where the first clue will be by telling her she is needed for some help around his office 

Harry with then give her a piece of paper that will have the first clue which is Go to where our first kiss was and if she gets it correct she should end up in our dorm where 

Ron will be waiting with the second clue which will say Go to where we first met which will be the Train in Cabin 10 which will be where 

Luna will be with the third clue which is Go to where our first date was which will be Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks where 

Neville will be waiting with the fourth clue which is Go to where we spent the Holidays which is the Burrow where she will apperate to (I believe apparation can lead to misscarrige but were just gonna say that is a lie in this story so y/n can still apperate) where 

Fred will be with the fifth clue which is Go to where we made up which is Ginny's Dorm where 

George will be with the sixth clue which is Go to where we guessed Dumbledore's age for fun which is the Great hall where Ginny will be to give y/n the seventh clue but Ginny is going to leave with y/n as well so me, Dumbledore and Minerva can set up the hall for me asking her.The clue will be Go to where we met moaning mrytle which is the "abandoned" girls toilets where 

Oliver will be with the seventh clue which will be Go to where you sat with me while we watched Harrys first Quiditch game which is the Seats for our house where 

Seamus will be with the eight clue which will be Go to the great hall-Love Mione 

When she turns up there will be every one who helped stood with a pink rose all stood in a line and they will give it to her and leave once they have given her it and the last person will be me standing with a dozen red roses with candles and once every one has left I will ask her to be my girlfriend.

Y/n's Pov-

It looks like Mione had set up a clue trail by the looks of what the clues are I had just read Seamus's clue and was now on my way to the Great hall were Harry,Ron,Luna,Neville,Fred,George,Ginny,Oliver and Seamus all stood with pink roses each giving me one and the leaving revealing Hermione stood at the end with what looks like a dozen red roses and candles scatered around the Great Hall creating a calm feeling 

When I reached Mione she smiled and said "Y/n I have loved you since I first set my eyes on you and I knew one day I would call you my girlfriend... so what I'm asking is Y/n Y/l/n will you be my girlfriend?"

You ran up and kissed her 

"Does that answer your question Mione"

"Yes it does come on lets go to the dorm so people can be let out of there common rooms there probably going insane" 

You gigled and set back on your way to the dorm hand in hand with Mione finally being able to call her your Girlfriend...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SONG-Daddy Issues linked above 

Words-624 <3

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