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Time skip

It had been a month since the last part and this is your bump

You are three months along and You Ginny and Mione have stopped going to lessons (Dumbledore said Hermione could stay with you both if you want her to)

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You are three months along and You Ginny and Mione have stopped going to lessons (Dumbledore said Hermione could stay with you both if you want her to)

(Also why you bought the mini fridge)

You were all doing the same lessons so it was easier for homework since you all stayed in a dorm together until the baby arrives 

You had all finished Potions, Transfigurations, DADA, Care of magical creatures, Astronomy, Herbolobgy, Charms and History of Magic homework and were now doing a Potions test since all 3 of you got all the homework for the full month so you could hand it in once it was done and so people didn't have to constantly come to your dorm

You all finished this months work and asked Harry and Ron to take it to the teachers for you which took a bit of persuading so you now owe Ron 10 chocolate frogs and Harry all the Answers to the Potions homework

They had just taken it and you were going to take a nap so you climbed into bed since you all just where you pj's all day and just change them everyday since you didn't have to go anywhere 


Y/n climbed into bed and fell asleep with her baby bump showing 

She looked adorable and when I was a 100% sure I turned to Ginny

"I need your help Ginny I'm planning on asking Y/n out but I don't know what to do"

"Well her fav flowers are (whatever your fav flowers are) and well Harry told me you both already kissed so you could do like a little thing where you have all her friends stood at a place with a rose that they give her where you first met, first kissed, first date you went on, her fav Hogsmeade shop and stuff like that and the have a specific place for her to go and you can be stood there with a bunch of her fav flowers and candles scatered around and then ask her to be you gf"

"Omg Ginny that sounds perfect how did you come up with that"

"Well me and Y/n are twins and we use to talk about how we want to be asked out and that was Y/n the last time I asked which was when we were 13 and I told myself whoever tells me there going to ask Y/n out I will tell them that so she gets the perfect way of being asked out like I know she did for me with Harry even if she thretend him she would kill him if he hurt me"

We both just sat there coming up with who was going to be stood where coming up with the clues and more thing like where to buy stuff from and asking Dumbledore if he could keep everyone in there common rooms apart from the people you needed and he was actually ok with it but then i remembered he had a bet placed on me and Y/n since madam Pomfery saw us kiss and told him so he must of doubed or nothinged it with Mcgonagle who he dose all his bets with.

Now was just the tricky part... asking her


song-colors by Halsey linked above

thank you for reading <3

also sorry for the spelling mistakes i wrote this at 1am 

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